Jose Pascal da Rocha

Senior Advisor and Trainer on Dialogue and Mediation
Ethiopia Unit

Photo of Jose Pascal da Rocha

Remote office


Pascal da Rocha is a Senior Advisor and Trainer on Dialogue and Mediation with the Regional Peace Support Department, focusing on initiatives in Ethiopia. He has expertise in political and security transitions, ceasefire negotiations and power-sharing. In his role and capacity, Pascal has served in peacekeeping operations (UNOSOM, UNPROFOR, SFOR, UNAMA, ISAF, etc.), provided mediation support to peace processes (Dayton agreement, Algiers Agreement, Kampala Talks, etc.), and acted as facilitator and mediator in mediation processes (under UNAMID, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, etc.). He has advised governments and organizations on mediation processes (Ghana, Benin, Qatar, Indonesia) and provided advice to national dialogues (Ukraine, Chad, Benin). Pascal has published on mediation as well as leadership, taught at Columbia University of New York City and IESEG School of Management in Paris. He holds doctoral degrees in social sciences, law and master's degrees in communication and mediation.