Jose Pascal da Rocha
Senior Advisor and Trainer on Dialogue and Mediation
Ethiopia Unit

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Pascal da Rocha is a Senior Advisor and Trainer on Dialogue and Mediation with the Regional Peace Support Department, focusing on initiatives in Ethiopia. He has expertise in political and security transitions, ceasefire negotiations and power-sharing. In his role and capacity, Pascal has served in peacekeeping operations (UNOSOM, UNPROFOR, SFOR, UNAMA, ISAF, etc.), provided mediation support to peace processes (Dayton agreement, Algiers Agreement, Kampala Talks, etc.), and acted as facilitator and mediator in mediation processes (under UNAMID, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, etc.). He has advised governments and organizations on mediation processes (Ghana, Benin, Qatar, Indonesia) and provided advice to national dialogues (Ukraine, Chad, Benin). Pascal has published on mediation as well as leadership, taught at Columbia University of New York City and IESEG School of Management in Paris. He holds doctoral degrees in social sciences, law and master's degrees in communication and mediation.
- Norms diffusion and mediation in fragile states: the ECOWAS intervention in the Mali 2020/2022 political crisis (with Dr Brown Odigie), Journal of African Peace and Security, Vol 2, Nr 1, Nov 2024, p. 45-60, KAIPTC, ISSN: 2665-0827
- The International Mediator: A Handbook (Ukrainian Translation), Folke Bernadotte Akademin, 2022
- African Union Mediation Support Handbook (2nd edition, AU Press, 2021)
- Organizational Culture (Chapter 18), in: Spangler and Haywood (eds) (2020)The AMA Management Body of Knowledge, AMA Press
- Conflict, systems, and approaches to conflict management - An Overview, in: Bhattacharyya, S. (ed) (2019) Emerging Approaches for Conflict Resolution in Organizations. IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1726-0
- The Changing Nature of International Mediation – Special Issue Global Policy, doi:10.1111/1758-5899.12683
- International perspectives on securing human and social rights and diversity gains at work in the the aftermath of the global economic crisis and in times of austerity – Special Issue Editorial (with Joana Vassilopoulou, Olivia Kyriakidou, Andri Georgiadou, Michalle Mor Barak), in: European Management Review, September 2018, doi: 10.1111/emre.12333
- The International Mediator – A Handbook, (French and Portuguese translations, Peter Lang Publishing), September 2019, ISBN: 978-1-4331-6982-3 (French)/ 4 (Portuguese)
- The International Mediator – A Handbook (Russian translation, Southern Federal University Press), April 2019, ISBN: 978-5-9275-3138-7
- The Africanization of Democracy - Elections and Conflict Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Ratha Khuon), in: Sociology and Anthropology, 6(1), pp. 152 - 175. doi: 10.13189/sa.2018.060114
- Political mediation in modern conflict resolution: Emerging research and opportunities, IGI Global, February 2018, ISBN13: 9781522551188, doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5118-8
- The International Mediator: A Handbook, Lambert LAP Publishing, November 2017, ISBN-13: 978-620-2-00836-5
- ECOWAS Dialogue and Mediation Handbook (ECOWAS Press, 2018)
- Conference Report (2016): The Legacy of Armed Conflicts: Southern African and Comparative Perspectives, in: Africa Spectrum, 51, 3, 123–134, URN:, ISSN: 1868-6869 (online), ISSN: 0002-0397 (print)
- Mediating international conflict – Challenges and opportunities, BPC Policy Brief, Vol 4(1), Jan-April 2016, Rio de Janeiro: BRICS Policy Center.
- “Social Conflict Resolution and Intercultural Dialogue”, in: Reconstructing Babel – Education and Cosmopolitanism, Biblioteca della Fondazione, Fondazione Intercultura, Onlus (2011)
- African Union Mediation Support Handbook, (2014), ACCORD/AU Press.