Carla Schraml
Advisor Mediation & Negotiation Support
Negotiation and Mediation Support

Berlin, Germany
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Dr. Carla Schraml is Advisor Mediation & Negotiation Support. She is a certified mediator, holds a doctorate in peace and conflict studies from the University of Marburg and a diploma/laurea in sociology from the TU Dresden and the Università degli Studi di Trento. As a trainer, she supports conflict parties and protest movements in political negotiations, as well as (high-level) insider mediators during mediation processes, and regularly provides training to diplomats, politicians, civil society representatives and peace practitioners. Her focus areas include innovation in peacemaking, faith-based (insider) mediation, and addressing identity conflicts.
Before joining Berghof, she worked in the field of peace, dialogue and mediation support at CSSP Berliner Zentrum für Integrative Mediation, as a freelance consultant, at GIZ and the Working Group for Peace and Development (FriEnt) and at the University of Marburg. Carla has lived and worked in Côte d'Ivoire, Rwanda, Burundi and France, has led a dialogue and mediation project in Bosnia-Herzegovina for several years, and has experience with short-term assignments and projects in Kenya, Uganda, Guinea, DR Congo and Liberia.
Dr. Carla Schraml ist Advisor Mediation & Negotiation Support. Sie ist zertifizierte Mediatorin, hat im Bereich Friedens- und Konfliktforschung an der Universität Marburg promoviert und besitzt ein Diplom/laurea in Soziologie der TU Dresden und der Università degli Studi di Trento. Bevor sie zu Berghof kam, hat sie im Bereich Friedens-, Dialog- und Mediationsunterstützung bei CSSP Berliner Zentrum für Integrative Mediation, als selbständige Gutachterin, bei der GIZ und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden und Entwicklung (FriEnt) und an der Universität Marburg gearbeitet. Carla hat in der Côte d’Ivoire, in Ruanda, Burundi und Frankreich gelebt und gearbeitet, hat für mehrere Jahre ein Dialog und Mediationsprojekt in Bosnien-Herzegowina geleitet und hat Erfahrungen mit Kurzzeiteinsätzen und -projekten in Kenia, Uganda, Guinea, in der DR Kongo und in Liberia.
Published by the Berghof Foundation:
- Policy Brief 18: Sacred values in high-level peace negotiations. Recommendations informed by neuro- and cognitive science
2024 - The Berlin Moot 2024. Report
External publications:
- Carla Schraml, Luxshi Vimalarajah. 2023. Synthesis Paper: Under crossfire: The courageous work of women faith-based mediators to prevent, mitigate and resolve violent conflicts. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
- Abdullahi, Lantana Bako and Carla Schraml. 2023. Women Faith-Based Mediators in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities Within Peace Mediation. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.
- Carla Schraml and Laura Anyola Tufon. 2023. Women Faith-Based Mediators in Cameroon: Challenges and Opportunities Within Peace Mediation. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.
- Deema Aasy and Carla Schraml. 2023. Women Faith-Based Mediators in Cameroon: Challenges and Opportunities Within Peace Mediation. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.
External articles and blog posts: