Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

Multi-level dialogue in Lebanon

Supporting reforms, dealing with the past, and building a vision for the future

Protests against the trash crisis during the Arab uprising in Beirut, Lebanon in August 2015. People in Lebanon have taken to the streets for years to protest against the catastrophic situation in the country. Photo © / kateafter

In Lebanon, we initiate dialogue formats and support local initiatives to address root causes of conflicts and to build a stable future for the country.


Lebanon is experiencing unprecedented and overlapping economic, political, financial, and humanitarian crises. To build a more stable future for the country, relationships need to be strengthened across religious and political affiliations at every level of society. To achieve this, it’s crucial to bring together diverse groups to tackle ongoing and deep-rooted issues within Lebanese society.

Together with our Lebanese partners, the Berghof Foundation implements a multi-level dialogue process alongside a funding programme for local initiatives. We organise events where people can share their experiences, consider new perspectives, and agree on shared interests and goals.

Through the different activities and formats, we encourage people to collaboratively and constructively approach opportunities, differences and challenges in pursuit of a paradigm shift that has a lasting impact on the stability of the country.

The project combines three tracks of intervention that include national and local level dialogue, and that involve groups from all walks of society: from academia, to women’s associations, businesses, youth groups, local authorities and municipal entities.

We work across four national districts that have experienced significant local conflicts over the past few years: Tripoli (North), Zahle (Beqaa), Marjeyoun (South) and Aley/Shouf (Mount Lebanon).

Read more about the project here.

This project is funded by the European Union.

Media contact

Florian Lüdtke
Media and Communications Manager
+49 (0) 177 7052758
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