Working around the world
Over the past five years, we've worked in over 50 countries to promote peace, research trends and solutions, and enable conflict parties to move toward sustainable peace.
The Berghof Foundation is engaged in the gradual, challenging work of transforming conflicts into sustainable peace.
Over the past five years, we've worked in over 50 countries to promote peace, research trends and solutions, and enable conflict parties to move toward sustainable peace.
We organise workshops where people share their experiences and listen to stories from "the other side" to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.
Together with our Yemeni partners, we work in five cities to improve the local communities' abilities to provide a safe environment for their citizens.
'Biographical salons' provide a unique space where old wounds can be aired, different perspectives are shared, and people take steps toward reconciliation.
We continue to support inclusive Yemeni dialogues on the framework, substance, and mechanisms of a peace process.
Through facilitating dialogue on water sharing, we support communities in Iraq in overcoming divisions to alleviate the ongoing water crisis.
The Berghof Foundation is one of the world’s few organisations to entertain high-level channels of communication with all parties to the conflict in Yemen. The Berghof Foundation is one of the world’s few organisations to entertain high-level channels of communication with all parties to the conflict in Yemen.
German Federal Foreign Office German Federal Foreign Office