Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Image: Creative Commons, Flickr / Adam Meek under CC BY 2.0 license

The Berghof Approach: Learning

We develop materials and innovative approaches to promote peace education, foster peer exchange, and offer training to people grappling with conflicts.

From its earliest days, the Berghof Foundation has focused on the value of peace education, peer exchange, and training. This line of work continues to this day, with our Global Learning for Conflict Transformation department coordinating training activities as well as cross-regional projects.

Our learning focus includes a range of projects that promote peace education in our home country of Germany – touching on topics from conspiracy theories to resources for schools – as well as in conflict regions, where we develop learning components for refugees and trainers.

Peer exchange networks are another important aspect of our learning work. We have worked for many years on war-to-peace transitions, enabling members of resistance and liberation movements to engage substantively in de-escalation and peace processes, as well as the post-war political space. We also work to foster a network of faith-based mediators who are actively exploring the interface of religion and peacebuilding.

To broaden our impact, we seek to convert our experience and expertise into media and curricula that can be replicated by teachers and trainers in various settings. And for many years, we have conducted trainings and facilitated courses that enable peace practitioners to sharpen their skills.

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