Online portal for children: is an online portal for children covering issues of war and peace, conflicts and violence.
Timeframe: 2005 - ongoing is an online portal for children covering issues of war and peace, conflicts and violence. It contains honest responses appropriate for children, to the key questions of coexistence. The offer is based on the state of the art of scientific debate and is grounded in values such as peace, human rights and non-violence.
Its special feature is the opportunity for children to post their questions and receive an individual answer within a few days. They can also express their personal views in polls. Stories, maps, fairy tales, picture stories, videos etc. round out the offer.
For parents, teachers and educational staff of day-care centres, a “grown-up area” offers educational assistance in dealing with such topics as children’s issues, specific fears or media consumption. An annotated selection of children’s books and young adult fiction gives further suggestions. Proposals for the preparation of lectures complete the package.
Currently, the portal is available in German only.
Project website (in German)
Partners and funding is a project developed and carried out by Berghof Foundation and its peace education team in Tübingen. In its early stages, the project was supported by Wir stärken dich e.V. The programme Ein Netz für Kinder, which already funded from 2011 to 2013, continues to fund the project from 2014 to 2016. Ein Netz für Kinder is funded by the federal government commissioner for culture and the media and the federal ministry for family affairs, senior citizens, women and youth. works together with other online portals for children that share its standards and are also supported by Ein Netz für Kinder. Since 2018 is funded by Friends of Berghof Peace Education.
Recently we have developed a new topic concerning climate change, peace and conflict, climate justice and Fridays for Future. We also updated our section “What is racism?” due to the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In addition, we uploaded an interview with our Executive Director Andrew Gilmour, where he talks about human rights.
Publications from this project:
Project lead
Nicole Rieber
Head of Unit
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Team members
Janna Articus
Daniela Bold
Uli Jäger
Carolin Sokele
Media contact
You can reach the press team at:
+49 (0) 177 7052758
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