Berghof Foundation Operations gGmbH
Lindenstraße 34
10969 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)30 8441 540
Fax: +49 (0)30 8441 5499
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- Value-added tax identification number / USt-IdNr.: DE239451952
- Company register / Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 95319 B
- Legal representatives / Vertretungsberechtigte Personen: Chris Coulter
- Responsible for the content / Inhaltlich Verantwortliche: Chris Coulter (address as above / Adresse wie oben).
Berghof Foundation Operations assumes no responsibility for the contents of websites that may be accessed through hyperlinks on this website. The external provider is solely responsible for the content of such external links.
The content of the Berghof Foundation website is protected by copyright law. The copyright belongs to the Berghof Foundation unless another proprietor is explicitly named. The reproduction of articles or other content for other than private purposes requires the prior approval of Berghof Foundation Operations.
Image credits
Image credits are included in captions or available through mouseover.
We would like to thank the following photographers, organisations, agencies and staff for granting copyright permission.
- Peace Counts project/Zeitenspiegel Reportagen: Frieder Blickle, Michael Gleich, Lukas Coch, Paul Hahn, Christoph Puettner, Uli Reinhardt, Frank Schultze, Carsten Stormer, Antonia Zennaro
- Davor Konjikušić
- Nenad Vukosavlijević (CNA)
- Peter Wingert
- Mathias Völzke
- Nina Bernarding, Véronique Dudouet, Astrid Fischer, Kristóf Gosztonyi, Katrin Planta, Vanessa Prinz, Anne Romund, Stefanie Schulze, Claus-Dieter Wild, Oliver Wolleh (Berghof Foundation)
- Shutterstock: Anton Havelaar, Emily Tolan, estherpoon, Gusztav Bartfai, Mohd KhairilX
Website credits
Special thanks to the following people and agencies for their contributions to this website:
- Design: Abigail Smith, Verbal Visual
- Conversion: Paul Wisniowski, psdHTMLme
- Development and realisation: Andrew Kelly and Marko Raspor, Grom Digital