Dalia Barsoum
Head of Unit
Yemen Unit

Berlin, Germany
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Dalia Barsoum leads the Berghof Foundation's Yemen Unit. Previously, she worked for Democracy Reporting International on transition processes and building democratic institutions in the MENA region. Dalia holds a multi-disciplinary Master’s degree in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, with a focus on Political Sciences and Human Rights and Islamic Law.
Dalia Barsoum leitet die Yemen Unit der Berghof Foundation. Zuvor arbeitete sie für Democracy Reporting International zu Transitionsprozessen und Demokratieförderung in der MENA-Region. Ihren Masterabschluss in Nahoststudien erwarb sie an der School of Oriental and African Studies der University of London, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf Poltikwissenschaften, Menschenrechten und Islamischem Recht.