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Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Мирные протестные движенияВызовы ненасильственного сопротивления

Присоединяйтесь к он-лайн встрече на тему Мирные Протестные Движения и Вызовы Ненасильственного Сопротивления.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Annual Report 2021 Image

Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2021

Adapting to manifold challenges throughout 2021, we carried out work and research in many countries, including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria and Yemen.

Annual Report 2022 Image

Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2021Narrative

Adapting to manifold challenges throughout 2021, we carried out work and research in many countries, including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria and Yemen.

Annual Report 2022 Image

Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2021Financials

Adapting to manifold challenges throughout 2021, we carried out work and research in many countries, including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria and Yemen.

Annual Report 2022 Image

Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2021A word from our Executive Director

Adapting to manifold challenges throughout 2021, we carried out work and research in many countries, including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria and Yemen.

Protestors at the Berlin climate strike 2019

Protest MovementsKey drivers of conflict transformation

Nonviolent action by protest movements remains one of the most transformational forces in global politics today.

  • feature 22 Feb 2022
Publication Cover Image

Instauration de la confiance dans les partenariats pour la sécurité et l’état de droitRisques, préjugés et lacunes

Cette note de synthèse examine les hypothèses sous-jacentes au niveau politique sur la manière dont la confiance s'installe dans les partenariats de sécurité et d'état de droit (SRoL). Sur la base d'un examen des politiques et d'entretiens, elle identifie deux " théories du changement " prédominantes comme voies causales pour les programmes SRoL visant à renforcer la confiance des citoyens dans les institutions étatiques liées à la sécurité. Elle propose ensuite une réflexion critique sur ces hypothèses causales, en tenant compte des avancées récentes de la recherche sur la confiance dans diverses disciplines. Sur la base de cette analyse, il fournit des recommandations sur la manière de mieux refléter la confiance et le renforcement de la confiance dans les politiques et les programmes de SRoL.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Karoline Eickhoff, Viktoria Budde
Publication Cover Image

تغير المناخ والصراع في حضرموت والمهرة

بناءً على المقابلات التي أجريت في محافظتين يمنيتين تضررتا بشدة من آثار تغير المناخ ، تحدد هيلين لاكنر القضايا البيئية الرئيسية التي تواجه سكان حضرموت والمهرة اليوم. يوضح التقرير كيفية ارتباطها بالنزاع في المحافظتين ، ويستكشف ما تفعله السلطات المحلية والمجتمعات والجهات الفاعلة الدولية وما يمكن أن تفعله في المستقبل للتخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ وإدارة النزاعات التي تنجم عنه بشكل أفضل.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Helen Lackner
Former combatants during an exchange workshop

Creating space for female ex-combatants in ColombiaWe supported a public forum with 100 women on their experiences and challenges as former fighters to encourage exchange and women's participation in peace processes.

We supported a public forum with 100 women on their experiences and challenges as former fighters to encourage exchange and women's participation in peace processes.

  • Impact
Workshop in Balad, Somalia

Video: Panel discussion about Somalia's electionsKey priorities for the new Somali government

Watch a video of our online panel discussion on the challenges and plans for the future Somali government.

  • event 15 Mar 2022
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