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Video: Knowledge for a complex worldRethinking the roles of peace research and peace education
Watch a video of our panel discussion on how these intertwined disciplines should react to current global challenges.
- event 25 Nov 2021

Every second counts for the survivors
Virtual testimony session with Hiroshima survivor Ms Hattori Michiko.
- event 24 Nov 2021

Für die Überlebenden zählt jede Sekunde
Nehmen Sie an unserem virtuellen Zeitzeuginnenbericht mit der Hiroshima-Überlebenden Hattori Michiko teil.
- event 24 Nov 2021

Michaela Glaser
Senior Researcher and Project Manager, Conflict Transformation Research
- Berghof People

Trust-Building in Security and Rule of Law PartnershipsRisks, Biases and Knowledge Gaps
This policy brief investigates underlying assumptions at the policy level on how trust comes about in Security and Rule of Law (SRoL) partnerships. Drawing on a policy review and interviews, it identifies two prevalent ‘Theories of Change’ as causal pathways for SRoL programmes towards enhancing citizens’ trust in security-related state institutions. It then critically reflects on these causal assumptions, considering recent advancements in trust research from various disciplines. Based on analysis, it provides recommendations on how to better reflect trust and trust-building in SRoL policies and programming.
- Year 2021
- Author(s) Karoline Eickhoff, Viktoria Budde

Empfehlungen an die neue BundesregierungDeutschlands Außenpolitik braucht einen verbindlichen friedenspolitischen Bezugsrahmen
Konkrete Empfehlungen für die Außen-und Sicherheitspolitik der neuen Bundesregierung, zusammengefasst von der Berghof Foundation und der Europa-Universität Viadrina.
- feature 29 Nov 2021

Recommendations to the new German governmentGermany's foreign policy needs a binding peace policy frame of reference
Concrete recommendations for the foreign and security policy of the new German government, summarised by the Berghof Foundation and the European University Viadrina.
- feature 29 Nov 2021

Negotiations, dialogue and mediationWhich approach leads to intra-state peace?
Read about strengths and weaknesses of each approach and how in a peace process, they can be applied in a mutually reinforcing manner.
- blog post 10 Dec 2021
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Berghof Foundation feiert ein halbes Jahrhundert Friedensarbeit
Die Berghof Foundation feiert am 16. Dezember ihr Jubiläum mit einer Baumpflanz-Aktion an ihrem Gründungsort in Tübingen.
- press release 16 Dec 2021