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Inclusive local and national-level dialogue in Lebanon

The Berghof Foundation and the European Union are cooperating with Lebanese partners in supporting a multi-level dialogue process accompanied by funding for local initiatives.

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Strengthening EU external support for democracy (EMBRACE)

The cross-regional collaborative research project analyses blockages to democratisation and identifies ways to overcome them across the wider European neighbourhood.

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Supporting climate-focused local-level dialogues in Iraq

Building on climate-focused mediation and peacebuilding, the project aims to support local-level dialogue to address climate security risks in Iraq.

  • Past Project 2024 - 2024
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Next leaders for peace training

Through networking and mentoring, the Berghof Foundation seeks to empower the upcoming leaders of non-governmental organisations working for peace and dialogue.

  • Past Project 2022 - 2022
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Unsere animierte Graphic Novel lädt junge Menschen ein, aktiv an NS-Erinnerungskultur teilzuhaben. Sie sensibilisiert für Diskriminierung, damals wie heute, und regt an diese kritisch zu reflektieren.

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Our animated graphic novel invites young people to participate in remembrance of National Socialism. It raises awareness and encourages reflection on discrimination from the past and the present.

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Supporting multi-track dialogue in Ethiopia

The project supports Ethiopian-led and -owned dialogue efforts on multiple, interconnected tracks, including on the national and sub-national level, and with specific stakeholder groups.

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Das Modellprojekt bietet Jugendlichen Raum, sich kritisch mit Verschwörungstheorien, den zugrundeliegenden Narrativen sowie entsprechenden Einstellungsmustern auseinanderzusetzen.

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Peace Days

Mit unseren Workshops geben wir Schüler*innen die Chance, sich aus verschiedenen Perspektiven mit den Themen Frieden, Streit, Krieg und Gewalt auseinanderzusetzen.

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Peace Days

With our workshops, we give pupils the chance to discuss the topics of peace, conflict, war and violence from different perspectives.

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