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Asking my SistersIntergenerational Voices of Women from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Mindanao
In this booklet female ex-combatants from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Bangsamoro Women's Auxiliary Brigade (MILF-BIWAB) and their daughters in Mindanao share their stories from the region’s post-conflict reconciliation process.
- Year 2021
- Author(s) Carolien van Hoof, Stina Lundström, Véronique Dudouet, Beatrix Austin, Mohanie U. Kasan, Mariffa M. Samayatin, Monawara Kumayog, Amira U. Ebrahim, Ledrolen R. Manriquez, Jehan A. Usop, Baina T. Samayatin

Berghof Foundation: 50 years of conflict transformation
This book provides an overview of the Berghof Foundation’s work and impact over the past 50 years and sheds light on future challenges for building sustainable peace.
- Year 2021

Asking my sisters: Film and booklet releasedVoices of female ex-combatants and their daughters from Mindanao
Experience the stories of two generations of women when female ex-combatants and their daughters share their stories.
- feature 11 May 2022

Non-state armed groups and political transformation
Together with the United Nations we work to improve support to the transformation of non-state armed groups after war.
- Current Project

Radikalisierungsprävention durch eine friedensfördernde BrilleBlinde Flecken und neue Perspektiven
Dieser Beitrag, Buchkapitel im MOTRA-Monitor 2020, ist der erste einer Reihe von MOTRA-Monitor-Veröffentlichungen zum Thema Radikalisierungsprävention. Darin deklinieren die Autor*innen einen explizit friedensfördernden und konflikttransformativen Zugang zum Themenfeld Radikalisierung und Extremismusprävention.
- Year 2021
- Author(s) Beatrix Austin, Andreas Schädel, Tilman Papesch

Climate Change and Conflict in Hadhramawt and Al Mahra
Based on interviews conducted in two Yemeni governorates hit hard by the effects of climate change, Helen Lackner identifies the key environmental issues facing the populations of Hadhramawt and Al Mahra today. The report shows how they are connected to conflict in the two governorates, and explores what local authorities, communities and international actors are doing and can do in the future to mitigate the impacts of climate change and better manage the conflicts that derive from it.
- Year 2021
- Author(s) Helen Lackner

Climate Security in Somalia
This project focuses on sensitising vulnerable communities to the adverse impact of climate change on peace and security in Beledweyne District.
- Past Project 2021 - 2022

Strengthening local safety in YemenLaunch of a resource hub on community safety
To support actors working on community safety, we are launching a resource hub in Yemen through a training manual, committees and an online platform.
- feature 10 Jan 2022

Yemen and the COP26: It is time for adequate climate reparations
Yemen is suffering disproportionally from the effects of climate change. COP26 shows that the international community is falling short of helping those in need.
- feature 13 Jan 2022

Insider Mediation for Conflict Transformation in Zimbabwe
This project aims to contribute to national efforts for peace and stability in Zimbabwe through the strengthening of local and national capacities for conflict transformation.
- Past Project 2019 - 2022