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Mediation in Iran: A Course Manual.Project Peace Education in Iran. In cooperation with Tehran Peace Museum
Dealing with conflict in a constructive way as an inseparable part of life requires different tools and each country and community has come up with different methods for that. Traditional mediation has been used as such a tool in Iran for hundreds of years. The Berghof Foundation's Peace Education and Global Learning Programme and the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) have developed a qualification course on mediation. The manual is available for free download here in English and Farsi and contains an overview of the mediation approach adapted to the Iranian context. The manual includes an overview of different personal conflict styles, gives an insight into conflict escalation and de-escalation, and the purpose of conflict analysis. It introduces the mediation approach, its principles and characteristics, and shows how mediation can be used in different phases of conflict. It also focuses on and the characteristics, competencies, skills and roles of a mediator. And it connects the mediation approach with experiences from Iran, especially in the field of insider and faith-based mediators.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Cora Bieß, Uli Jäger, Isabella M. Bauer, Yalda Khosravi, Neda Pouryekta, Eva Sodeik-Zecha

Berghof Foundation marks 50 years of peacebuilding
Looking on from the 50th anniversary, four prominent challenges feature among Berghof’s top priorities in dealing with the complex root causes of conflicts.
- press release 13 Oct 2021

Berghof Foundation feiert 50 Jahre Friedensarbeit
Mit Blick auf ihr 50. Jubiläum gehören vier aktuelle Herausforderungen zu Berghofs Top-Prioritäten bei der Bewältigung komplexer Konfliktursachen.
- press release 13 Oct 2021

Lessons learnt from the Basque peace processTen years after the Aiete peace conference
Berghof looks back at an unconventional peace process that teaches us the value of creativity and persistence in the face of deadlocks.
- feature 18 Oct 2021

Climate vulnerability demands conflict transformation approachesTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict
At the upcoming COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, adaptation will be at the top of the agenda. To be effective, conflict transformation must be a part of that conversation.
- blog post 20 Oct 2022
- Author(s) Tom Breese, Nike Löble, Arrliya Sugal

A network for faith-based mediators
The project accompanies and builds the capacity of a group of nine faith-based mediators through exchanges and peer-to-peer learning.
- Past Project 2025 - 2025

Ways to mitigate the impact of climate change on conflictSpeech by Andrew Gilmour at the Human Rights and Science Symposium
At the 9th Human Rights and Science Symposium, our Executive Director Andrew Gilmour spoke on minimising the risk of climate change on conflict and human rights.
- feature 1 Nov 2021

We can do better!Three ways how peacebuilding efforts can become more gender inclusive
These mechanisms can inform peacebuilding as a more inclusive practice where everyone has a seat at the table and the act of conflict-sensitivity is reinforced.
- feature 3 Nov 2021

Digital Pathways for Peace in LebanonHow social media influencers fight polarisation
The Berghof Foundation is supporting a group of social media influencers in Lebanon seeking to promote tolerance and mutual understanding – online and offline.
- feature 3 Feb 2022