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Somalia: Friedensnetzwerke und inklusiver Dialog in Galmudug

Das Projekt möchte Friedensinfrastrukturen (I4P) unterstützen und auf den Nexus zwischen Klimawandel und Konflikten aufmerksam machen.

  • Past Project 2021 - 2022
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Intergenerational dialogues on fighting for justice and peace

Through participatory research and training, this project fosters intergenerational dialogue between youth and former combatants on peacebuilding and justice in Mindanao, Philippines.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2021
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Generationsübergreifende Dialoge über den Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden

Durch partizipative Forschung und Training fördert dieses Projekt den Dialog zwischen Jugendlichen und ehemaligen Kämpferinnen über Friedensförderung und Gerechtigkeit in Mindanao, Philippinen.

  • Current Project
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Promoting reconciliation in Hirshabelle State, Somalia

The project focuses on supporting and empowering local peacebuilders in their efforts to address conflict and support reconciliation in Hirshabelle State.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2023
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Trust-building in Security and Rule of Law partnerships

With this research project, we aim to contribute to the development of a research agenda on the state of trust and trust-building in SRoL partnerships.

  • Past Project 2021 - 2022
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Rural policing in southern Mexico

This project explores alternative forms of security provision in rural areas of southern Mexico that emerged as responses to criminal violence and the failure of the state to defend its citizens.

  • Past Project 2019 - 2020
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Peace Counts

Peace Counts is a unique combination of peace education and peace journalism. It began as an initiative of journalists who travelled to 30+ conflict regions to report about individuals making peace.

  • Past Project 2013 - 2020
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Peace Counts

Peace Counts beruht auf einer einzigartigen Zusammenarbeit von Friedenspädagogik und Friedensjournalismus.

  • Past Project 2024 - 2020
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Psychologische Komponenten in hochrangigen Friedensverhandlungen

Dieses Projekt untersucht die psychologischen Faktoren, die hochrangige Friedensverhandlungen beeinflussen.

  • Current Project
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A network for faith-based mediators

The project accompanies and builds the capacity of a group of nine faith-based mediators through exchanges and peer-to-peer learning.

  • Past Project 2024 - 2024
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