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Berghof Foundation: Strategic Priorities 2022-2025
In order to adopt to a digitalised world, a planet facing ecocide through climate change and further global challenges, the Berghof Foundation as an organisation has to evolve as well. We are therefore expanding our activities beyond our established focal areas into six additional areas of strategic importance. How Berghof intends to go about it over the next four years is the subject of this document.
- Year 2022

On negotiating peace: A compilation of strategic frameworksBased on the perspectives of resistance and liberation movements
The strategic frameworks were developed in conjunction with our project "Negotiation Support for Resistance and Liberation Movements (RLMs)", where negotiation training and process support were offered to a number of RLMs around the world. It is designed to serve as a hands-on strategy-building guide for the RLMs and other negotiators and mediators, who are often overwhelmed with the amount of tasks that come with, as well as the complexity of the negotiation processes.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Joana Amaral, Véronique Dudouet, Karin Göldner-Ebenthal, Jonathan Harlander, Nico Schernbeck, Katrin Planta, Vanessa Prinz, Luxshi Vimalarajah

Jugend im Austausch über Klimawandel und nachhaltigen Frieden
Wir schaffen virtuelle Begegnungsräume und Lernformate für Jugendliche aus Baden-Württemberg und aus verschiedenen Ländern der Welt, um gemeinsam dem Klimawandel zu begegnen.
- Current Project

Youth in dialogue about climate change and sustainable peace
We are creating virtual dialogue spaces and learning material for young people from Baden-Württemberg and from various world regions, to discuss strategies and visions for dealing with climate change.
- Past Project 2022 - 2022

Video: Yemen and its environment
Watch a video of our online panel discussion on the environmental dimensions to conflict and peacebuilding in Yemen.
- event 2 Mar 2022

فيديو: اليمن والبيئة ، جلسة مناقشة الكترونية
شاركنا في حلقة نقاش إلكترونية حول الأبعاد البيئية للنزاع وبناء السلام في اليمن.
- event 2 Mar 2022

Peaceful protest movementsChallenges of nonviolent resistance
Online panel discussion with activists and experts on nonviolent action.
- event 3 Mar 2022

Movimientos de protesta pacíficaLos retos de la resistencia no violenta
Panel de discusión en línea sobre los movimientos de protesta pacífica y los retos de la resistencia no violenta.
- event 3 Mar 2022