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Lebanon: Inclusive local governance and social cohesion

By bringing together government representatives, civil society and locals from 25 municipalities in Lebanon, we aim to empower communities to address local challenges.

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Berghof Foundation alarmed by renewed violence in Nagorno-KarabakhA ceasefire is urgently needed

The Berghof Foundation is deeply alarmed by the resurgence of violence in the Nagorno-Karabakh region that broke out over the weekend.

  • press release 29 Sept 2020
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Berghof Foundation alarmiert über erneutes Aufflammen der Gewalt in BergkarabachEin Waffenstillstand ist dringend notwendig

Die Berghof Foundation ist zutiefst beunruhigt über das Wiederaufflammen der Gewalt in der Region Bergkarabach an diesem Wochenende.

  • press release 29 Sept 2020
Mathias Terheggen

"Peace really must be for everyone, everywhere and anytime"A chat with Mathias Terheggen, CEO, expert on philanthropy and board member of the Berghof Foundation

Mathias Terheggen, our new board member, answers questions about his career and why he works towards positive change and peace.

  • feature 8 Oct 2020
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Germany’s day of destiny: 9 November1989 – 1938 – 1918

9 November is widely regarded as a kind of “day of destiny” for the Germans.

  • blog post 7 Nov 2019
  • Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann
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Gender inclusivity in confidence building

Confidence building is a realm of mediation where even generally embraced rhetorical consensus for expanding inclusivity can often encounter significant obstacles.

  • blog post 9 Sept 2020
  • Author(s) Aneesa Walji, Luxshi Vimalarajah
Former female combatant being interviewed for the film.

I have to speak: Film and booklet releasedVoices of female ex-combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and Nepal

Experience the stories of female ex-combatants from diverse political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds.

  • feature 27 May 2020
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