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Peace education meets religion

This project aims to strengthen the peace education skills and competencies of religious or religiously motivated multipliers working in the formal and non-formal education sector.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2021
Project Image

Peace Education meets Religion

Das Projekt will die friedenspädagogischen Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten von religiösen oder religiös motivierten Multiplikator*innen aus dem Bildungsbereich stärken.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2021
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Afghanistan: Support to resilient and sustainable peace

The overall goal of Berghof Foundation’s work in this region is to support Afghan-driven efforts to resolve the protracted conflict and to achieve resilient and sustainable peace.

  • Current Project
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Yemen Political Dialogue Support Programme

The PDSP supports Yemeni and international efforts for a political solution that provides the basis to end the war, to resume an inclusive political dialogue, and to relaunch the political transition.

  • Current Project
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Culture of conflict 3.0

Using innovative methods, the project strengthens the media and information competence of young people and supports the development of skills, which enable them to critically consume media.

  • Past Project 2017 - 2019
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Our courses and trainings

We offer innovative courses and trainings where interested practitioners can draw on our long experience and technical expertise in international conflict settings.

  • Overview
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Our work in Latin America

We provide tailor-made and hands-on support, particularly in the fields of dialogue with multiple actors and on different levels, as well as process facilitation and joint learning.

  • Overview
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Streitkultur 3.0

Mittels innovativer Methoden werden die Medien- und Informationskompetenzen der Jugendlichen gestärkt und Handlungskompetenzen entwickelt, die sie zu einer kritischen Mediennutzung befähigen.

  • Past Project 2017 - 2019
Project Image is an online portal for children covering issues of war and peace, conflicts and violence.

  • Current Project
Project Image ist ein Internetangebot für Kinder zu Fragen über Krieg und Frieden, Streit und Gewalt.

  • Current Project
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