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Video: Climate change impacts on conflict
Watch a video of our online event featuring an expert discussion on how to move to action on climate change and conflict dynamics.
- event 25 Feb 2021

StArt Peace Education!
The project compiles the latest findings on peace education in German-speaking countries in a state-of-the-art report and podcast and formulates recommendations for policy and educational practice.
- Past Project 2021 - 2022

StArt Friedensbildung!
Wir tragen neueste Erkenntnisse der Friedensbildung im deutschsprachigen Raum in einem Podcast und in Berichten zusammen und formulieren Empfehlungen für die schulpolitische und pädagogische Praxis.
- Past Project 2021 - 2022

Expanding our focus in a changing world
In our 50th anniversary year, we are building on our strengths to adapt to a changing global context.
- feature 23 Feb 2021

Gender refers to socially constructed characteristics, norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, or person of different sexual orientation and gender identity expressions. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Video: Making peace with the climate
Watch a video of our online event featuring an expert discussion on water conflicts and conflict resolution approaches.
- event 22 Mar 2021

International Women's Day 2021How we choose to challenge
A reflection from our staff on this year's International Women’s Day theme, #ChooseToChallenge.
- feature 4 Mar 2021

Исторический диалог грузино-абхазского конофликта
Мы поддерживаем наших партнеров в преодолении «умалчивания истории», характерного во взаимодействии сторон конфликта и признании ущерба вызванного насилием и несправедливостью вовлеченных сторон.
- Current Project

ქართულ-აფხაზური კონფლიქტის ისტორიული დიალოგი
ჩვენ მხარს ვუჭერთ პარტნიორებს კონფლიქტის მხარეებისთვის დამახასიათებელი ”ისტორიის მიჩუმათების” დაძლევაში და კონფლიქტში ჩართული მხარეების ძალადობითა და უსამართლობით გამოწვეული ზიანის აღიარებაში.
- Current Project