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Our work in 2019
As 2020 begins, we take a quick look back at a few highlights from our work in 2019.
- feature 3 Jan 2020

Um gewalttätige Konflikte weltweit zu entschärfen, ist es an der Zeit, auch in Dialog mit bewaffneten salafistischen Gruppen zu treten
Regierungen können es sich nicht mehr leisten, so zu tun, als wären Friedensverhandlungen mit bewaffneten salafistisch-dschihadistischen Gruppen unmöglich.
- press release 11 Dec 2019

Latest developments in the Afghan peace process: A commentary
Hans-Joachim Giessmann reflects on progress in the Afghan peace process, and why patience and trust will be vital to its success.
- blog post 21 Dec 2020
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Intra-Afghanischen Friedensverhandlungen: Ein Kommentar
Hans-Joachim Giessmann diskutiert die Fortschritte im afghanischen Friedensprozess und warum nur mit Geduld und Vertrauen nachhaltiger Frieden erzielt werden kann.
- blog post 21 Dec 2020
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Our work in 2020
As 2021 arrives, we take a quick look back at a few highlights from our work in 2020 and the prospects for peace for 2021.
- feature 29 Dec 2020

Video: Panel discussion on constitutions and peace processes
Watch a video of our event on constitutions and peace processes, which also launched a new primer on the topic.
- event 28 Jan 2021

Constitutions and peace processes: A primer
Peace processes often confront conflict issues that have deep constitutional relevance, and yet the obvious link to “constitution making” and the need for constitutional expertise are seldom acknowledged. The role of constitution making in peace processes is understudied and there is little practical guidance for individuals involved in peace processes, especially the mediators, negotiators and other actors who support them, on how to engage with constitutional elements in peace processes.
- Year 2021
- Author(s) Berghof Foundation, United Nations DPPA – Mediation Support Unit

Changing local governance in YemenDistrict and governorate institutions in the areas under Ansar Allah's control
The Berghof Foundation has been working with local authorities and the central administration(s) in Yemen since 2017 to strengthen inclusive local governance, support the resolution of local conflicts, and ensure that key concerns from the local level feed into central policy-making and the peace process. This working paper contributes to these overall goals by exploring how local governance is changing in the areas under Ansar Allah’s control. Subsequent papers will explore local-level changes in other parts of Yemen, notably in Aden and Hadhramawt. The peace process will need to take these ongoing changes into account.
- Year 2020
- Author(s) Joshua Rogers