Nexus of peacemaking and constitution building

How does peacemaking, particularly that includes mediated peace negotiations, interface with constitution making in practice? What lessons can be drawn from each field to inform the other? How and when can practitioners in each field work together for better outcomes? What challenges face attempts to coordinate actors in the two fields?
Learn more about the project behind these reports.
The Primer is a consolidation of the insights from the project work. Its goal is to raise awareness and understanding among practitioners, policymakers and scholars of the ways in which constitution making relates to peace processes.
- Constitutions and peace processes: A primer
Berghof Foundation, United Nations DPPA – Mediation Support Unit. 2021
Thematic papers
- Constitution Making in Contexts of Conflict. Paying Attention to Process
Andy Carl. 2019 - The Imperative of Constitutionalizing Peace Agreements
Laurie Nathan. 2019 - From Armed Intra-State Conflict to a Functioning Constitutional Order. Reconciling Principles of Third-Party Support – a Reflection
Nicole Töpperwien. 2019
Field studies
- Acuerdos de Paz y Constitución en una Democracia Frágil. El Caso de Guatemala
Andrés Álvarez Castañeda, Carlos Alberto Sarti Castañeda. 2019 - Peace Accords and the Constitution in a Fragile Democracy. The case of Guatemala
Andrés Álvarez Castañeda, Carlos Alberto Sarti Castañeda. 2019 - Les Interactions Entre le Processus de Paix et l'Elaboration Constitutionnelle au Burundi. Facteur de Stabilité ou de Crise ?
Willy Peter Nindorera. 2019 - Interactions Between Peacemaking and Constitution-Making Processes in Burundi. A Stabilising or a Crisis Factor?
Willy Peter Nindorera. 2019 - Peacemaking and Constitutional Change: Negotiating Power-sharing Arrangements and Identity Issues. The Republic of (North) Macedonia and The Ohrid Framework Agreement
Boshko Stankovski. 2025
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