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Religion – a source of peace or discord?
Does religion offer an identity-building framework to spread peace beyond the boundaries of social communities?
- blog post 18 Dec 2019
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Religion – eine Quelle des (Un-)Friedens?
Bietet Religion einen identitätsstiftenden Rahmen für die Verbreitung von Frieden über die Grenzen sozialer Gemeinschaften hinweg?
- blog post 18 Dec 2019
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

To de-escalate violent conflicts around the world, it is time to engage in dialogue with Salafi-Jihadi Armed Groups
Governments and the international community can no longer afford to pretend that peace negotiations with Salafi-Jihadi Armed Groups are fundamentally impossible.
- press release 11 Dec 2019

International Day of Peace 2019
Each year the International Day of Peace is celebrated all over the world on 21 September.
- feature 20 Sept 2019

Thoughts on the anniversary of the start of the Second World War
I am writing this blog post on the flight back from Kabul to Germany...
- blog post 4 Sept 2019
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Introducing Somali peacemakers
Somalia has suffered from ongoing conflict for close to three decades, leaving millions displaced and affected by violence.
- feature 29 Aug 2019

More weapons = more security?Some thoughts on the demise of the INF Treaty
Are there parallels between the recent massacres in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio and the impending arms race following the abolition of the INF Treaty?
- blog post 13 Aug 2019
- Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann

New handbook on improving community safety in conflict settings
What does it mean to feel safe? Is it not being afraid to walk home at night? Or is it the ability to provide food for your family?
- feature 23 Jul 2019

في ذكرى: أحمد بدوي
نشعر بحزن عميق لنبأ وفاة السيد أحمد بدوى
- feature 20 Mar 2020

كتيب جديد عن تحسين السلامة المجتمعية في أماكن النزاع
ماذا يعنى الشعور بالأمان؟ هل هو عدم الشعور بالخوف من السير ليلا الى المنزل؟ أم هو الشعور بالقدرة على توفير الطعام للعائلة؟
- feature 23 Jul 2019