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Mediation and conflict resolution course

With the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) in Afghanistan, we offer a four-month online programme for 30 next-generation Afghan young leaders.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2021
Image of Narine Karapetyan

Narine Karapetyan

Senior Advisor, Negotiation and Mediation Support

  • Berghof People
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Nexus of peacemaking and constitution building

The project examines the intersection of peacemaking – with a focus on mediation – and constitution making, and aims to strengthen cooperation between the two fields.

  • Past Project 2018 - 2020
Image of Carla Schraml

Carla Schraml

Advisor Mediation & Negotiation Support, Negotiation and Mediation Support

  • Berghof People
Participants at a Shir, a traditional Somali assembly, in Balad, Hirshabelle State, Somalia.

Insider peacebuilders resolving local conflicts in Somalia

We supported the creation of a network of insider peacebuilders who have the skills and experience to encourage dialogue and reconciliation in Somali communities.

  • Impact
Workshop participants at Azraq refugee camp, Jordan.

Supporting Syrian refugees in Jordan

Working with partners and refugees themselves, we organised trainings and activities that promote peace education, theatre and self-care for Syrian refugees in Jordan.

  • Impact
Young people coming together at the Step Forward workshop in Sukhum/i.

Supporting reconciliation in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

'Biographical salons' provide a unique space where old wounds can be aired, different perspectives are shared, and people take steps toward reconciliation.

  • Impact
  1. 60
  2. 61
  3. 62
  4. 63
  5. 64
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