Search Results

Carla Schraml
Advisor Mediation & Negotiation Support, Negotiation and Mediation Support
- Berghof People

Insider peacebuilders resolving local conflicts in Somalia
We supported the creation of a network of insider peacebuilders who have the skills and experience to encourage dialogue and reconciliation in Somali communities.
- Impact

Supporting Syrian refugees in Jordan
Working with partners and refugees themselves, we organised trainings and activities that promote peace education, theatre and self-care for Syrian refugees in Jordan.
- Impact

Supporting reconciliation in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict
'Biographical salons' provide a unique space where old wounds can be aired, different perspectives are shared, and people take steps toward reconciliation.
- Impact

Women’s rights in times of conflictPerspectives of women leaders from armed and political movements
A discussion on women's rights in conflict settings in honor of the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
- event 19 Nov 2020

Peace education resourcesTeaching and learning materials
From classroom materials and curricula, to pedagogical theory, the Berghof Foundation develops resources to support peace education. In this collection, you can browse resources in a number of languages that will support your efforts to bring non-violence, conflict sensitivity, and other peace-related themes into classrooms and different training settings.
- Collection 27 items

Our work in Europe
Our activities across an ever-changing Europe range from encouraging dialogue to promoting peace through education, to researching radicalisation in and beyond the region.
- Overview

Konzept Friedensmediation in die außenpolitische Praxis umsetzen!Stellungnahme der IMSD
Mediationsbemühungen Deutschlands (Mediationsunterstützung oder eigene Rolle als Mediator) sollten durch den Bundestag möglichst parteiübergreifend unterstützt.
- feature 6 Mar 2020

Incremental inclusivity in peace processesNew research insights
Our study shows how peace processes benefit from inclusivity when the timing is right.
- feature 25 Nov 2020

Incremental inclusivity in peace processes: Key lessons learntBerghof Policy Brief 11
This policy brief provides evidence-based lessons learnt and recommendations on the timing, sequencing and modalities of inclusion of nonsignatory armed groups and civil society actors in peace processes. It aims to inform a strategic understanding on how to design and implement peace processes that are effective in bringing about an inclusive political, economic and social transformation.
- Year 2020
- Author(s) Andreas Schädel, Véronique Dudouet