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Changing local governance in YemenDistrict and governorate institutions in the areas under Ansar Allah's control

The Berghof Foundation has been working with local authorities and the central administration(s) in Yemen since 2017 to strengthen inclusive local governance, support the resolution of local conflicts, and ensure that key concerns from the local level feed into central policy-making and the peace process. This working paper contributes to these overall goals by exploring how local governance is changing in the areas under Ansar Allah’s control. Subsequent papers will explore local-level changes in other parts of Yemen, notably in Aden and Hadhramawt. The peace process will need to take these ongoing changes into account.

  • Year 2020
  • Author(s) Joshua Rogers
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Frieden Machen: Eine Ausstellung Erfolgreicher Beispiele aus Aller WeltBegleitheft zur Ausstellung des Projekts Peace Counts

Die Roll-up Ausstellung zeigt eine Auswahl der besten Reportagen erfolgreicher Friedensprojekte aus rund 30 Konfliktregionen der Welt. In unserem Begleitheft zur Ausstellung finden Sie didaktische Anregungen speziell für den Schulunterricht, aber auch andere außerschulische Lernräume.

  • Year 2020
  • Author(s) Janna Articus, Anne Kruck, Claudia Möller
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Zum Kritischen Umgang mit VerschwörungstheorienErkenntnisse für die Pädagogische Praxis

Seit Anfang 2020 führt die Berghof Foundation im Rahmen des Bundesprogrammes Demokratie leben! ein mehrjähriges Modellprojekt zum Thema durch. Das Ziel: Die Entwicklung eines Toolkits gegen Verschwörungstheorien, gemeinsam mit Jugendlichen und für Jugendliche. Dazu hat im September 2020 eine interdisziplinäre digitale Fachtagung mit Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis stattgefunden. Aus dieser Tagung ist der vorliegende Band entstanden. Die darin enthaltenen Beiträge sollen die wichtige aktuelle Diskussion über angemessene (pädagogische) Gegenmaßnahmen zur Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien und zur Stärkung von demokratischen und friedensorientierten Grundhaltungen bereichern.

  • Year 2021
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Omani perspectives on the peace process in Yemen

Oman has played an important role in supporting mediation efforts since the conflict in Yemen began. The country’s amicable relations with Saudi Arabia, Ansar Allah, Iran, and other Yemeni and international conflict stakeholders has allowed it to facilitate negotiations in a manner few other countries are able or willing to realise. This comes in the context of Oman’s established history of attempting to bring conflicting parties from its immediate western neighbour to the table at critical junctures. These efforts were again reactivated in early 2021 with the facilitation of talks between belligerents in the current conflict and international representatives in Muscat.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Abdullah Baabood
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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2020Online year in review

Our 2020 annual report gives an overview of our work around the world during the year as well as insights into our finances and funding.

  • Year 2021
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Berghof Foundation: Strategic Priorities 2021-2023

In light of the shifting global context, the Berghof Foundation as an organisation has to adapt as well. We are therefore expanding our activities beyond our established focal areas into six additional areas of strategic importance. This involves building up new expertise, new forms of collaboration, and new ways of working. This work has already begun. How Berghof intends to go about it over the next three years is the subject of this document.

  • Year 2021
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Peace education meets religionA manual for multipliers

This manual seeks to support faith-based multipliers who intend to strengthen the peace potential of religions by inspiring and training interested people and groups using peace education methods and approaches.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Cora Bieß, Dagmar Nolden
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Culture of conflictA picture cards series for interactive teaching and training

The series of nine picture cards is a peace education tool that explains conflict dynamics in an interactive way and that demonstrated possibilities how conflicts can be managed constructively.

  • Year 2021
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Peace Counts image setVisual impulses for interactive workshops and trainings

The Peace Counts image set is a compilation of professional reportage photographs for peace education work in international and religious contexts. It offers an inspiring visual approach to topics such as peace and peacebuilding, conflict and conflict management or transformation and change.

  • Year 2021
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Mediation in Iran: A Course Manual.Project Peace Education in Iran. In cooperation with Tehran Peace Museum

Dealing with conflict in a constructive way as an inseparable part of life requires different tools and each country and community has come up with different methods for that. Traditional mediation has been used as such a tool in Iran for hundreds of years. The Berghof Foundation's Peace Education and Global Learning Programme and the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) have developed a qualification course on mediation. The manual is available for free download here in English and Farsi and contains an overview of the mediation approach adapted to the Iranian context. The manual includes an overview of different personal conflict styles, gives an insight into conflict escalation and de-escalation, and the purpose of conflict analysis. It introduces the mediation approach, its principles and characteristics, and shows how mediation can be used in different phases of conflict. It also focuses on and the characteristics, competencies, skills and roles of a mediator. And it connects the mediation approach with experiences from Iran, especially in the field of insider and faith-based mediators.

  • Year 2019
  • Author(s) Cora Bieß, Uli Jäger, Isabella M. Bauer, Yalda Khosravi, Neda Pouryekta, Eva Sodeik-Zecha
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