Involves indirect or direct active engagement by either a group or an individual in a process beyond norms and principles.

See also: Inclusivity
Both are considered crucial in peacebuilding in order to increase a sense of ownership and responsibility, and alleviate social grievances of exclusion and marginalisation of groups.
At this crucial time in our lives (….) I don’t think you can help but be involved.
Nina Simone
On terminology…
Inclusivity and participation are two keywords that are often lumped together in one sentence, or used interchangeably. Although closely related, there is a difference in nuance between the two.
Broadly defined, inclusivity in peace processes refers to the degree of access to important decision-making areas for all levels and sectors of state and society. Inclusivity is thus a principle or a norm that can be streamlined into a process and acted on.
Participation, on the other hand, goes beyond norms and principles and involves indirect or direct active engagement by either a group or an individual in a process.