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لقاء التربية للسلام والديندليل الميسرين

يسعى هذا الدليل إلى دعم الميسرين الدينيين الذين ينوون تعزيز إمكانات السلام للأديان من خلال إلهام الأشخاص والجماعات المهتمة وتدريبهم باستخدام أساليب ومقاربات التربية للسلام.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Cora Bieß, Dagmar Nolden
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L'éducation à la paix rencontre la religionUn manuel pour les multiplicateurs

Ce manuel vise à aider les multiplicateurs confessionnels qui ont l'intention de renforcer le potentiel de paix des religions en inspirant et en formant les personnes et les groupes intéressés à l'aide de méthodes et d'approches d'éducation à la paix.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Cora Bieß, Dagmar Nolden
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Friedenspädagogik trifft ReligionEin Handbuch für Multiplikator*innen

Dieses Handbuch richtet sich in erster Linie an glaubensbasierte Multiplikator*innen, die das Friedenspotenzial der Religionen stärken wollen, indem sie interessierte Einzelpersonen und Gruppen durch den Einsatz friedenspädagogischer Methoden inspirieren und schulen.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Cora Bieß, Dagmar Nolden
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Mediating the political transformation of non-state armed groupsWorkshop report

Together with the United Nations DPO DDR section, our team working to improve international support to transformation processes of non-state armed groups after wars and conflicts, organised a workshop with international experts in Berlin.

  • Year 2022
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Pagtatanong sa aking mga kapatidBoses ng mga kababaihan ng Moro Islamic Liberation Front sa Mindanao mula sa iba't ibang henerasyon

Sa booklet na ito, ibinahagi ng mga babaeng ex-combatant mula sa Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Bangsamoro Women's Auxiliary Brigade (MILF-BIWAB) at kanilang mga anak na babae sa Mindanao ang kanilang mga kuwento mula sa proseso ng reconciliation pagkatapos ng conflict sa rehiyon.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Carolien van Hoof, Stina Lundström, Véronique Dudouet, Beatrix Austin, Mohanie U. Kasan, Mariffa M. Samayatin, Amira U. Ebrahim, Ledrolen R. Manriquez, Jehan A. Usop, Baina T. Samayatin
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Changing Local Governance in YemenThe areas under control of the internationally recognised government

Local governance is changing in Yemen, with far-reaching effects on the way state institutions function, on central-local relations, and on service provision and citizens’ experiences of the state. Earlier Berghof research (Rogers 2020) highlighted the ways in which war and Houthi policy were re-drawing central-local relations and the functioning of local governance in the areas under Ansar Allah’s control. This paper complements that investigation by examining the changes under way in the areas under the control of the internationally recognised government.

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Katharina Jautz, Monder Basalma, Joshua Rogers
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Decolonising peacebuildingA way forward out of crisis

A shifting state system, a dysfunctional market and a restless global society face rising economic inequality and mass migration, accelerating polarisation and extremism, and urgent demands for decolonisation, racial justice and an end to gender-based violence. Current economic and political models offer little reprieve, and in some cases seem to be fuelling disorder rather than promoting the order or stability they aim to achieve. How will the peacebuilding field respond or transform given these challenges?

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Lisa Schirch
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El espacio juvenil del diálogo y la mediaciónUna exploración

Esta exploración se aleja decididamente de los discursos predominantes sobre los jóvenes, que ya están bastante bien cubiertos en la literatura: "son tanto alborotadores como pacificadores" o "son una categoría especial y potente de agentes de paz, y por lo tanto hay que capacitarlos". Esta investigación se centra más bien en las historias existentes sobre los esfuerzos de diálogo y mediación en el espacio de los jóvenes, en un intento de sacar a la luz algunas ideas que normalmente se dejan en la oscuridad, y de estimular un discurso hasta ahora ausente. Esto se considera particularmente oportuno, dado el inicio de una miríada de iniciativas desde la adopción de la Resolución 2250.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Mir Mubashir, Irena Grizelj
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Fostering constructive relationsApproaches to trust-building in peacebuilding interventions

The international community is currently facing a dilemma: although building trust between representatives of state institutions and the population is one of the fundamental components of cooperation between donors and recipient countries of support services in the security sector, we are observing worldwide that trust in state institutions fades. Confidence-building initiatives between citizens and, for example, the police and the military obviously do not always contribute to improvement. Therefore, basic assumptions about the role of trust and how trust-building works in conflict societies must be questioned.

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Viktoria Budde, Karoline Eickhoff
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Breaking the vicious cycleEntry points for anti-corruption in inclusive peace processes

Corruption and violent conflict are interlinked in deep and complex ways. This U4 Issue considers how corruption as an element of conflict systems could be addressed during peace processes and how peacebuilders can support political efforts to curb corruption and promote accountability during transitions from war to peace. Now is the time to bridge the contributions of peacebuilding and anti-corruption practitioners in the quest for a sustainable transformation process.

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Ulrike Hopp-Nishanka, Joshua Rogers, Calum Humphreys
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