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Understanding the drivers of radicalisation and violent extremismLaunch of international research project PAVE

The new EU research project PAVE aims to tackle the global issue of radicalisation by examining its root causes and driving factors.

  • press release 19 Feb 2020
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Building peace in Somalia, one Shir at a time

Watch a short film about our support to communities in Somalia’s Hirshabelle State in their efforts to build peace by solving local conflicts.

  • feature 28 Jan 2020
Günther Bächler

‘I am always optimistic about peace’A chat with Günther Bächler, Diplomat and board member of the Berghof Foundation

Günther Bächler, our new board member, answers questions about his career in peace.

  • feature 13 Jan 2020
[BF] About Landing Page
[BF] Our People Landing Page


Our Work

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A perceived incompatibility of interests, needs and wants between individuals or groups.

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Conflict sensitivity

The ability to understand the conflict one is operating in, to understand the interaction between own actions and the conflict, and to use this understanding to avoid negative impacts and maximise positive impacts on the conflict.

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Conflict transformation

A complex process of constructively changing relationships, attitudes, behaviours, interests and discourses in violence-prone conflict settings. Importantly, conflict transformation addresses and changes underlying structures, cultures and institutions that encourage and condition violent political and social conflict over the long term.

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