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Streitkultur 3.0

Mittels innovativer Methoden werden die Medien- und Informationskompetenzen der Jugendlichen gestärkt und Handlungskompetenzen entwickelt, die sie zu einer kritischen Mediennutzung befähigen.

  • Past Project 2017 - 2019
Project Image is an online portal for children covering issues of war and peace, conflicts and violence.

  • Current Project
Project Image ist ein Internetangebot für Kinder zu Fragen über Krieg und Frieden, Streit und Gewalt.

  • Current Project
Project Image

Our work in the Middle East and North Africa

Our projects aim at supporting actors and institutions as well as efforts to overcome political and societal divisions through inclusive dialogue processes and consensus-building.

  • Overview
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Our work in Asia

We support inclusive dialogue and transitions that allow peaceful engagement in politics.

  • Overview
Consultative committee meeting with the governor of Hadramawt at Mukalla, Hadramawt, Yemen.

Keeping doors open in Yemen

We continue to support inclusive Yemeni dialogues on the framework, substance, and mechanisms of a peace process.

  • Impact
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Support us

Your support is an investment in peace.
When you donate to Berghof, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed. Whether through a single donation or recurring contribution, your support gives peace a fighting chance.

Donation Image

Support us

Your support is an investment in peace.
When you donate to Berghof, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed. Whether through a single donation or recurring contribution, your support gives peace a fighting chance.

Dialogue Conference on Ethiopia's Foreign and Security Policy at the African Union in October 2019

Working towards an Ethiopian national dialogue

We promote inclusive dialogue among key Ethiopian stakeholders to address major fault lines in the country.

  • Impact
Soccer game during a workshop at one of the model schools for peace education in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.

Engaging youth for peace in Germany

We run projects that enable young people to recognise peace and nonviolence as important values in their lives.

  • Impact
  1. 52
  2. 53
  3. 54
  4. 55
  5. 56
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