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Supporting women in RLMs in peace processes and transitions

Through capacity building, this project supports women in resistance and liberation movements to enhance their peace negotiation skills and opportunities for post-war democratic leadership.

  • Current Project
The Mahatma Gandhi wing of the University of Nairobi.

Security doctrines in a changing world

The project aims to foster global South-North exchange and to better reflect global South perspectives in International Relations theory, by providing insights into modes of South-South cooperation.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2021
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Negotiation support to RLMs

This project aims to support peace negotiation processes by enhancing Resistance and Liberation Movements’ (RLMs) negotiation capacities through training, peer-to-peer learning, and process support.

  • Current Project
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Broadening and Deepening Participation in Peace NegotiationsA Strategic Framework

This strategic framework was developed during the 7th annual Meeting on Negotiations entitled Broadening and Deepening Participation in Peace Negotiations held in Berlin, September 2015. It provides an overview of some of the most frequent challenges Resistance and Liberation Movements (RLMs) face with regard to inclusivity in negotiation processes and ways to address such challenges. While in no way exhaustive, we hope that our readers find this overview useful both for reflecting on and enhancing their own negotiation strategies.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Katrin Planta, Luxshi Vimalarajah
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Designing Effective Communication StrategiesA Strategic Framework

This strategic framework was developed during the 6th Meeting on Negotiations entitled Designing Effective Communication Strategies held in October/November 2014, in Berlin. It provides an overview of some of the most frequent communication challenges Resistance and Liberation Movements (RLMs) are facing in negotiation processes and ways to tackle them. While in no way exhaustive, we hope that conflict actors find this overview useful both for reflecting on and enhancing their own communication strategies.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Katrin Planta, Luxshi Vimalarajah
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Learning Lessons from Failed NegotiationsA Strategic Framework

This strategic framework was developed during the 5th Meeting on Negotiations “Learning Lessons from Failed Negotiations and National Dialogue” held in November 2013, in Berlin. It provides an overview of some of the most frequent stumbling blocks in peace negotiations, addressing process- and party-related as well as contextual challenges and ways to tackle them. While in no way exhaustive, we hope that our readers find this overview useful both for reflecting on their own case-specific negotiation challenges and for designing strategies to overcome them.

  • Year 2014
  • Author(s) Katrin Planta, Luxshi Vimalarajah, Jonathan Harlander
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Negotiating Transitional JusticeA Strategic Framework

This Strategic Framework was developed during the 9th Meeting on Negotiations for Resistance and Liberation Movements (RLMs) in Transition entitled Transitional Justice and the Role of Victims in Peace Negotiations held in October 2017, in Berlin. It provides an overview of some of the most frequent challenges RLMs face when negotiating justice and dealing with questions of victim participation. At the same time, this overview intends to offer a strategic framework for readers to address these challenges in light of comparative best practices and lessons-learned in order to support an informed understanding and strategy making of conflict actors in negotiating transitional justice

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Nico Schernbeck, Luxshi Vimalarajah
Dialogue Conference on Ethiopia's Foreign and Security Policy at the African Union in October 2019

Strengthening the Ethiopian transition and reform process

The project supports a multipartial group of influential Ethiopian insiders from across the political and civic spectrum in their efforts to foster inclusive dialogue on multiple tracks in Ethiopia.

  • Past Project 2019 - 2022
Image of Feben Makonnen

Feben Makonnen

Project Officer, Ethiopia Unit

  • Berghof People
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Supporting peaceful settlements in Syria

The project supports a diverse group of independent Syrians in developing conflict resolution options and provides space for dialogue with external powers.

  • Past Project 2019 - 2021
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