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[BF] Our Work Landing Page

Our work in Sub-Saharan Africa
We support various types of dialogue spanning high-level political dialogue, civil-society forums, and grass-roots dialogue initiatives.
- Overview

Conflict resolution with Salafi-jihadi groups
The research project examined (de-)escalation trajectories of Salafi-jihadi armed groups and explored options and challenges for conflict resolution.
- Past Project 2017 - 2019

Incremental inclusivity in peace process design
This project analyses the incremental inclusion of non-state armed groups and societal actors during different stages of a peace process.
- Past Project 2019 - 2020

Community resilience to violent extremism
The comparative research project examines root causes and driving factors of violent extremism in local communities across seven countries in the MENA and Balkans.
- Past Project 2020 - 2023

The model project aims to give young people the opportunity to have a critical look at conspiracy theories and their underlying narratives.
- Current Project

Berghof Foundation alarmed by renewed violence in Nagorno-KarabakhA ceasefire is urgently needed
The Berghof Foundation is deeply alarmed by the resurgence of violence in the Nagorno-Karabakh region that broke out over the weekend.
- press release 29 Sept 2020

Berghof Foundation alarmiert über erneutes Aufflammen der Gewalt in BergkarabachEin Waffenstillstand ist dringend notwendig
Die Berghof Foundation ist zutiefst beunruhigt über das Wiederaufflammen der Gewalt in der Region Bergkarabach an diesem Wochenende.
- press release 29 Sept 2020

"Peace really must be for everyone, everywhere and anytime"A chat with Mathias Terheggen, CEO, expert on philanthropy and board member of the Berghof Foundation
Mathias Terheggen, our new board member, answers questions about his career and why he works towards positive change and peace.
- feature 8 Oct 2020