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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2019
In this review of 2019, we want to present a concise picture of our work, using one example from each region to highlight the wide variety of approaches we take to try to transform conflict.
- Year 2020

Foreign Fighters and Kosovo’s DiasporaThe case of Germany
The conflicts in Syria and Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State (IS) have attracted thousands of foreign fighters from European countries to join the conflict in the Middle East. A large number of foreign fighters are second and third-generation migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and the Western Balkans. This paper aims to provide some groundwork for research on the radicalisation of immigrants, by investigating why some Kosovar immigrants in Germany have joined violent extremism organisations like IS and Hayat Tahrir al Sham. In particular, the paper identifies some of the consequences of shifting social dynamics and identity formation as the ties between the diaspora community and the country of origin change over time. The paper concludes with a few policy recommendations both to German and Kosovar political authorities on increasing the resilience of Kosovar diaspora living in Germany against radicalisation and violent extremism.
- Year 2020
- Author(s) Skënder Perteshi

Nexus of peacemaking and constitution building
How does peacemaking, particularly that includes mediated peace negotiations, interface with constitution making in practice? What lessons can be drawn from each field to inform the other? How and when can practitioners in each field work together for better outcomes? What challenges face attempts to coordinate actors in the two fields?
- Collection 9 items

National Dialogue Handbook
Grounded in a series of contemporary case studies, this Handbook aims to contribute to the nascent debate about National Dialogue, bringing together insights and expertise from diverse regions. In doing so, it seeks to present systematic reflections and offer practical advice.
- Collection 26 items

Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation
The Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation offers a continuously updated online publication platform for both academics and practitioners to review the state of the art, discuss new ideas and exchange experiences in the field of conflict transformation.
- Collection 57 items

Handbook Dialogues
Handbook Dialogues raise key critical issues which are then debated among scholars and practitioners from different disciplines and world regions. Typically, a Dialogue includes one lead article on a topic. Four or five other experts, from a range of perspectives, then contribute shorter responses to that article.
- Collection 25 items

Berghof Transitions Series
The Berghof Transitions Series was initiated in 2008, and originally included case studies produced for a research project on “Resistance/Liberation Movements and Transitions to Politics: Building a Network of Experience”. It has provided a unique space for “insider experts”, i.e. stakeholders in past and ongoing peace processes around the world, to reflect critically on their own experience in conflict transformation.
- Collection 17 items

Supporting local peace structures in Ethiopia
Working closely with the GIZ and national partners, the project aims to strengthen Local Peace Committees in Benishangul-Gumuz in Ethiopia.
- Past Project 2019 - 2021

Service Centre Peace Education
The project offers learning media, teacher trainings and activities at schools to strengthen peace education at schools in Baden-Württemberg.
- Current Project