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Berghof Foundation alarmiert über erneutes Aufflammen der Gewalt in BergkarabachEin Waffenstillstand ist dringend notwendig
Die Berghof Foundation ist zutiefst beunruhigt über das Wiederaufflammen der Gewalt in der Region Bergkarabach an diesem Wochenende.
- press release 29 Sept 2020
Tradition- & Faith-Oriented Insider Mediators (TFIMs) as Crucial Actors in Conflict TransformationCase Study: Myanmar/Burma
This case study on tradition- and faith- oriented insider mediators (TFIMs) in Myanmar/Burma has been produced using both existing knowledge on insider mediators and tradition- and faith-oriented local peacebuilding, and original data acquired through field studies.
- Year 2016
- Author(s) Mir Mubashir
Tradition- & Faith-Oriented Insider Mediators (TFIMs) as Crucial Actors in Conflict TransformationCase Study: Mali
This case study on tradition- and faith- oriented insider mediators (TFIMs) in Mali has been produced using both existing knowledge on insider mediators and tradition- and faith-oriented local peacebuilding, and original data acquired through field studies.
- Year 2016
- Author(s) Véronique Dudouet
Tradition- & Faith-Oriented Insider Mediators (TFIMs) as Crucial Actors in Conflict TransformationCase Study: Lebanon
This case study on tradition- and faith- oriented insider mediators (TFIMs) in Lebanon has been produced using both existing knowledge on insider mediators and tradition- and faith-oriented local peacebuilding, and original data acquired through field studies.
- Year 2016
- Author(s) Malika Bouziane
Tradition- & Faith-Oriented Insider Mediators (TFIMs) as Crucial Actors in Conflict TransformationCase Study: Kenya
This case study on tradition- and faith- oriented insider mediators (TFIMs) in Kenya has been produced using both existing knowledge on insider mediators and tradition- and faith-oriented local peacebuilding, and original data acquired through field studies.
- Year 2016
- Author(s) Mir Mubashir
Ein Friedensabkommen allein macht noch keinen FriedenDialogprozesse in Kolumbien während und nach dem bewaffneten Konflikt
Wir wollen hier die Erfahrungen teilen, die wir in Rahmen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit bei der Förderung und Schaffung von Räumen für Multi-Stakeholder-Dialoge, also Dialoge zwischen vielen unterschiedlichen Akteuren, in Kolumbien gemacht haben. Aus dem Buch: Mehr Dialog Wagen! Eine Ermutigung für Politik, gesellschaftliche Verständigung und internationale Friedensarbeit.
- Year 2020
- Author(s) José Miguel Abad, Andrés Home, Barbara Unger
Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2019
In this review of 2019, we want to present a concise picture of our work, using one example from each region to highlight the wide variety of approaches we take to try to transform conflict.
- Year 2020
Foreign Fighters and Kosovo’s DiasporaThe case of Germany
The conflicts in Syria and Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State (IS) have attracted thousands of foreign fighters from European countries to join the conflict in the Middle East. A large number of foreign fighters are second and third-generation migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and the Western Balkans. This paper aims to provide some groundwork for research on the radicalisation of immigrants, by investigating why some Kosovar immigrants in Germany have joined violent extremism organisations like IS and Hayat Tahrir al Sham. In particular, the paper identifies some of the consequences of shifting social dynamics and identity formation as the ties between the diaspora community and the country of origin change over time. The paper concludes with a few policy recommendations both to German and Kosovar political authorities on increasing the resilience of Kosovar diaspora living in Germany against radicalisation and violent extremism.
- Year 2020
- Author(s) Skënder Perteshi
"Peace really must be for everyone, everywhere and anytime"A chat with Mathias Terheggen, CEO, expert on philanthropy and board member of the Berghof Foundation
Mathias Terheggen, our new board member, answers questions about his career and why he works towards positive change and peace.
- feature 8 Oct 2020
„Frieden muss für alle, überall und jederzeit möglich sein“Ein Gespräch mit Mathias Terheggen, Unternehmer, Philanthropie Experte und Mitglied des Stiftungsrats der Berghof Foundation
Mathias Terheggen, das neuste Mitglied unseres Stiftungsrats, erzhählt, warum er für gesellschaftlichen Wandel und Frieden arbeitet.
- feature 8 Oct 2020