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National Dialogues and DevelopmentNational Dialogue Handbook: Conceptual Studies

The article considers the potential for National Dialogues to create substantial development outcomes that go beyond immediate political and security settlements. Using insights from various National Dialogue processes, the conditions, dynamics and potential barriers to these outcomes are explored. The article also describes entry points and strategies for external development actors to contribute to the attainment of substantial development outcomes in transition processes that include National Dialogues.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Henrik Hartmann
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The Lebanese National Dialogue: Past and present experience of consensus-buildingNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

This paper looks at the National Dialogue experience of Lebanon. National Dialogues have been part of the country’s political and social fabric. They have served as an important consensus-building mechanism for core political actors to address issues of common national concern. The paper provides a snapshot of the history of National Dialogues in Lebanon during the civil war and onwards, followed by an assessment of aspects of the National Dialogue from 2008-2014, addressing its composition, themes, outcomes, support mechanisms, and consensus-building principles. It concludes with a more general reflection about challenges and dilemmas of the Lebanese National Dialogue.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Martin Wählisch
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National Dialogues and Constitution MakingNational Dialogue Handbook: Conceptual Studies

National Dialogues and constitution-making processes are increasingly part of political settlements. This paper focuses on the relationship between dialogues and constitution-making processes but also explores the relationship between dialogues and state institutions (such as the legislature, executive and judiciary) and state processes (elections). Both National Dialogues and constitution-making processes occur in a wide variety of circumstances and take many different forms so it is hard to generalize about their form and roles. However, although Dialogues often engage in constitutional issues, they generally do not produce final constitutions. The paper suggests that aspects of most constitution-making processes, such as a level procedural formality, greater technical expertise and, sometimes, greater formal legitimacy, explain why they and not dialogues are used for constitution-making. It also explores ways in which dialogue decisions may be followed up in a constitution-making process or by state institutions. It concludes with lessons for National Dialogues from constitution-making processes.
  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Christina Murray
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الحوار الوطني في تونس عام ٢٠١٣إدارة األزمة السياسية

[ملخص مترجم آليًا]

هذا المنشور هو واحد من سبع دراسات حالة ؛ وتشمل الدول الأخرى غواتيمالا ولبنان وليبيا ومالي ونيبال والسودان. تقدم دراسات الحالة توصيات للعمليات الجارية في بلد معين وتفيد نتائج الدليل. الهدف العام للمشروع هو تحسين الحوارات الوطنية وتعزيز قدرات ومساهمات أطراف النزاع وأصحاب المصلحة المحليين والجهات الفاعلة الخارجية من أجل تنفيذها بنجاح.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle, Amine Ghali, Hèla Yousfi, Mohamed Limam, Nina Grønlykke Mollerup
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Observations and Reflections on the Negotiation and National Dialogue Process: Case Study on GuatemalaNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

This publication is one of six case studies – others include Libya, Mali, Nepal, Sudan, and Tunisia – that inform the Handbook’s findings. The overall aim of the project is to improve National Dialogues and enhance the capacities and contributions of conflict parties, local stakeholders and external actors towards their successful implementation.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Centro de Estudios de Guatemala (CEG), swisspeace
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Observations and Reflections on the Peace and Constitution-Making Process: Case Study on NepalNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

This publication is one of six case studies – others include Libya, Mali, Nepal, Sudan, and Tunisia – that inform the Handbook’s findings. The overall aim of the project is to improve National Dialogues and enhance the capacities and contributions of conflict parties, local stakeholders and external actors towards their successful implementation.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Bishnu Raj Upreti, Bishnu Sapkota, swisspeace
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National Dialogue HandbookA guide for practitioners (Executive Summary)

Grounded in a series of contemporary case studies, this Handbook aims to contribute to the nascent debate about National Dialogue, bringing together insights and expertise from diverse regions. The purpose of the Handbook is twofold: (1) to offer an analytical framework of National Dialogues and (2) to serve as a practical tool for those engaged in the implementation of these processes. It also addresses the role of external actors and how they can best support National Dialogue processes, but it is focused primarily on those who are in the driver’s seat when it comes to decisions on the design, conduct and implementation of National Dialogue processes.

  • Year 2017
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Manual de Diálogos NacionalesGuía para practicantes

La Fundación Berghof ha elaborado el presente Manual de Diálogos Nacionales en colaboración con la Fundación Suiza para la Paz. En él se plasman los resultados de un estudio pormenorizado al que han contribuido numerosas partes interesadas y académicos.

  • Year 2017
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Manuel de dialogue nationalGuide à l’attention des praticiens (Résumé analytique)

Basé sur une série d’études de cas contemporains, ce manuel aspire à contribuer au débat naissant sur le dialogue national, en faisant se rencontrer les pers-pectives et les expertises de diverses régions. Le but du manuel est double : (1) offrir un cadre analytique aux dialogues nationaux et (2) servir d’outil pratique à ceux qui sont engagés dans la mise en œuvre de ces processus. Il traite également du rôle des acteurs extérieurs et des meilleures façons dont ils peuvent soutenir les processus de dialogues nationaux. Il se concentre cependant principalement sur ceux qui sont aux postes de commande quand il s’agit de prendre les décisions sur la conception, la conduite et la mise en œuvre des processus de dialogues nationaux.

  • Year 2017
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ZwischenWelten Begleitheft

Der Dokumentarfilm "ZwischenWelten - wie Krieg Kinder zeichnet" begleitet drei geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche bei ihrem Ankommen in Deutschland. In drei Kapiteln erzählen die Kinder ihre Geschichten und Erlebnisse im Krieg, auf ihrer Flucht und über ihr Leben in Deutschland. Auf Aussagen von Expertinnen und Experten wurde bewusst verzichtet, lediglich die Eltern und eine Lehrerin ordnen das Gesagte der Kinder an wenigen Stellen ein.

Zu dem Dokumentarfilm entstand im Dialog mit Lehrkräften ein Begleitheft, das aufzeigt, wie unterschiedliche Themen des Films Eingang in den Unterricht finden können. Durch seine Dreitteilung eignet sich der Film besonders gut, in kürzeren Abschnitten gezeigt und anschließend mit den Materialien in diesem Heft kombiniert zu werden.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Julia Oschinski, Nicole Rieber
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