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Community Perspectives on Violent Extremism: Strengthening local factors of social resiliencePolicy brief No. 9
Dealing with violent extremism (VE) has emerged as a central framework of analysis and policy-making in most Western and non-Western government agencies. It is also heavily shaping the programming of non-governmental agencies and research institutions. While there is an undeniable need to address the phenomenon, more often than not analysis and programming fall short in understanding and tackling its root causes, factors, actors and systemic dynamics.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Engjellushe Morina, Beatrix Austin, Véronique Dudouet, Tim Jan Roetman
"Insistimos en la paz"Roles, retos y oportunidades de la sociedad civil colombiana e internacional en el proceso de paz en Colombia
From a practitioners' view, the article analyses Colombian civil society's role in the peace process against general functions of civil society, especially in peace processes. Colombia's vibrant and diverse organizations play different and potentially complementary roles, while reflecting the country's dividing lines along levels, regions, and ideology. In Berghof Foundation's conflict transformation work, civil society actors co-shape, even in less visible roles than other sectors, various elements of the peace process acting, among other roles, as watchdogs, incubators for democracy, intermediators, dialogue practitioners, and in peace infrastructures.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Barbara Unger
SIPRI Yearbook 2019Armaments, Disarmaments and International Security (Kurzfassung auf Deutsch)
Das SIPRI Yearbook 2019 verbindet Originaldaten aus Bereichen wie weltweiten Militärausgaben, internationalen Waffentransfers, Rüstungsproduktion, Nuklearstreitkräften, bewaffneten Konflikten und multilateralen Friedenseinsätzen mit aktuellen Analysen wichtiger Aspekte der Rüstungskontrolle, des Friedens und der internationalen Sicherheit. Diese Broschüre fasst den Inhalt des SIPRI Yearbook 2019 zusammen und bietet eine Auswahl der darin enthaltenen Daten und Analysen.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Dialogue with Salafi jihadi armed groupsChallenges and opportunities for conflict de-escalation
In some of the most intense ongoing armed conflicts (Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Nigeria, to name a few), violent state challengers are characterised by their radical religious beliefs rooted in Salafi-based Islamism.
To better understand possible pathways to violence de-escalation or conflict transformation in such contexts, one needs to analyse the behavioural, ideological and organisational patterns of Salafi jihadi armed groups (SJAGs).
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Karin Göldner-Ebenthal, Véronique Dudouet, Marie Migeon
Salafi jihadi armed groups and conflict (de-)escalationThe case of Ansar Dine in Mali
As violent conflict erupted in Mali in 2012, the Salafi jihadi Armed Group (SJAG) Ansar Dine quickly emerged as one of its main protagonists, and its leader Iyad Ag Ghaly retained a prominent role within the umbrella entity Jamāʿat nuṣrat al-islām wal-muslimīn (Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims, JNIM) formed in March 2017.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Tim Jan Roetman, Marie Migeon, Véronique Dudouet
Salafi jihadi armed groups and conflict (de-)escalationThe case of al-Shabaab in Somalia
Since 2006 Somalia is caught in a spiral of violence and suffering from continuing attacks by the Salafi jihadi Armed Group (SJAG) al-Shabaab. This case study report asks under which circumstances al-Shabaab has reduced its violent behaviour in the past and explores the experiences and options for third party dialogue engagement.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Karin Göldner-Ebenthal
Salafi jihadi armed groups and conflict (de-)escalationThe case of Ahrar al-Sham in Syria
In the Syrian civil war, the Salafi jihadi armed group Ahrar al-Sham was one of the largest and most powerful non-state armed groups. This report outlines the development of Ahrar al-Sham and explores the conditions that led to its de-escalation and analyses as a second step the role and challenges of dialogue engagement.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Karin Göldner-Ebenthal, Ahmed Elsayed
Conflict Assessment, Galmudug StateAn Analysis of Local Perspectives
This study investigated the nature and dynamics of conflicts in Galmudug State. The assessment examined the various conflicts that exist in the state and the key actors that play a central role in these conflicts. The assessment also examined the conflict resolution mechanisms that are used to resolve local conflicts in Galmudug State, and the actors that play an important role in conflict resolution and reconciliation processes. Furthermore, we examined opinions and attitudes on topics such as federal-ism, the 4.5 system and overall political participation in Galmudug State. Lastly, the study investigated the various challenges to conflict resolution and reconciliation processes as well as the urgent needs of the citizens of Galmudug State with regard to peace and conflict.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Abass Kassim Sheikh, Janel B. Galvanek, Pascal Grimm
Warbixin ku saabsan Qiimeynta Khilaafka ee Dowlad Goboledka GalmudugFalanqayn Ku Saabsan Deeganka Aragtidooda
Daraasadaan waxay baaris ku sameysay nooca iyo habka is rogrogidda khilaafaadka Galmudug. Qiimeyntu waxay baartay khilaafaad kala duwan oo gobolka ka dhex jira iyo jilayaasha doorka ugu muhiimsan. Waxaa kale oo ay qiimeyntu baartay habkii horay khilaafka Galmudug loogu xallin jiray, iyo jilayaasha doorka muhiimka ah ka ciyaara xallinta khilaafka iyo geedi-socodka dib u heshiisiinta. Intaa waxaa dheer in aan baarnay fikrada iyo aragtiyo ay ka mid yihiin federaal, nidaamka 4.5 iyo guud ahaan ka qeybgalka siyaasadda Galmudug. Ugu dambeyntii, daraasadaan waxay baartay caqabada kala duwan oo ku gudban xallinta khilaafka iyo geedi-socodka dib u heshiisiinta, iyo sidoo kale, baahida deg degga ah ee uu shacabka reer Galmudug qabo markii loo eego nabad iyo khilaaf.
- Year 2019
- Author(s) Abass Kassim Sheikh, Janel B. Galvanek, Pascal Grimm
Berghof Glossar zu Konflikttransformation und Friedensförderung20 Essays zu Theorie und Praxis
Das Berghof Glossar zur Konflikttransformation und Friedensförderung stellt die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und -ansätze unserer Arbeit vor, in der wir Menschen und Konfliktparteien auf der ganzen Welt bei ihren Bestrebungen begleiten, eine friedlichere Zukunft zu schaffen.
- Year 2020