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Alternative Approaches to Transforming Violent Extremism. The Case of Islamic Peace and Interreligious PeacebuildingBerghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 13 - lead

This article critically examines the emerging CVE/PVE field and explores an alternative approach to address two core questions: how do various CVE/PVE approaches relate to current issues of violent extremism (VE) in Muslim communities, and what are the areas of intersection between interreligious peacebuilding and the various CVE/PVE approaches? In exploring the responses to these two dimensions, it is essential to analyse the assumptions and functions that CVE/PVE fulfil in the current crisis that faces many Muslim and non-Muslim governments around the world, especially in Europe and North America. Since “countering Islamic” terrorism and VE (based on the misperception and assumption that Muslims are disproportionately responsible for acts of violence) constitute the core of CVE/PVE approaches, it is necessary to explore whether this is the most effective method in confronting “Islamic threats”.

  • Year 2018
  • Author(s) Mohammed Abu-Nimer
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Changing the past in our headsA facilitator's guide to listening workshops

The history of this manual goes back to November 2012, when the Berghof Foundation’s Caucasus Programme gathered young people from Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia to learn how to record biographical interviews and discuss questions of history, memory and conflict. This was the starting point of a process involving Georgian, Abkhaz and South Ossetian stakeholders of war-memorialization: the “Berghof History Dialogue Process”.

  • Year 2018
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Conflict Assessment ReportHirshabelle State, Somalia

This report discusses the pertinent concerns and perceptions of Somalis about conflict and reconciliation issues in the areas in which they live in Hirshabelle State. The report focuses on perceptions related to the general security situation of the districts, various types of conflicts that exist in the districts, critical factors that drive conflicts, key stakeholders of the conflicts, current initiatives for managing the conflicts, challenges faced by the mediators, and the needs and prerequisites for reconciliation and mediation. The report highlights similarities and differences between the districts of the state, though it should be noted that the similarities exceed the differences. The findings of the assessment are rich and complex. Four significant highlights will be presented in more detail.

  • Year 2018
  • Author(s) Abass Kassim Sheikh
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Warbixin lagu qiimeynaayo Colaadaha GobolkaHirshabeelle, Soomaaliya

Warbixintaan waxay ka hadleysaa arimaha Soomaalida khuseeya iyo waxa aay ka aaminsanyihiin colaadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta, gaar ahaan kuwa dega gobolka Hirshabelle. Warbixinta waxay diiradda saareysaa aragtida ku saabsan amniga guud ee degmooyinka, colaad aha noocyadooda kala duwan ee ka jira degmooyinka, arimo muhiim ah oo colaadda huriya, dadka ugu muhiimsan ee colaadda qeybta ka ah, hindisayaasha hadda jira ee colaadda lagu maareyo, caqabadaha hortaagan dhex dhexaadiyasha, iyo baahida iyo shuruudaha ku x iran dib u heshiisiin iyo dhex dhexaadin.

  • Year 2018
  • Author(s) Abass Kassim Sheikh
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Strengthening Resilience - Building Peace from withinTraining manual I, Building peace from the inside out

This manual is published as part of the project "Nonviolent Education in Jordan". It gives an insight into the contents and methods of qualification courses which the Berghof Foundation implemented with Jordanian and Syrian (cash for work) staff members of international organisations in the refugee camps Azraq and Zaatari in 2017. The main focus of the publication is on mental and physical well-being and strengthening resilience. It contains advice for facilitators and descriptions of exercises for further use.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Vladimir Kostić
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تعزيز القدرة عىل املقاومة – بناء السالم من الداخلدليل التدريب 1- بناء السالم من الداخل إىل الخارج

باإلضافة إىل ذلك، فإن مراعاة ظروف النزاع يف هذا السياق تعني، عىل سبيل املثال، تشجيع فهم النزاع كفرصة للتغيريوالتطوير، وانعكاس املواقف الشخصية وسلوكيات النزاع، مبا يف ذلك القواعد والقيم األساسية. عالوة عىل ذلك، فإنهيشمل زيادة الوعي باالحتياجات والرغبات واألهداف الشخصية، وأيضا اكتشاف الحدود الشخصية. وأخريا، فاحرتاممبادئ مراعاة ظروف الصدمة، وهو مقاربة أساسية لتعزيز التفاعل البناّء بني األشخاص )انظر GIZ 2017 )هو أيضاجانب ال غنى عنه من جوانب مراعاة ظروف النزاع.ا أساسيا من مقاربة الدورة التأهيلية، وبالتايل من الدليل املوجود يف متناول اليد.جميع هذه الجوانب تعترب جزءتتكون الدورة التأهيلية ذاتها من ثالث وحدات، وحدة حول الرتبية عىل السالم ووحدة حول املقاومة ووحدة حولاملرسح التفاعيل، ويركز هذا الدليل عىل وحدة تعزيز القدرة عىل املقاومة فقط.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Vladimir Kostić
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Emotional Dynamics in Conflict and Conflict TransformationHandbook Article

This article explores how emotions significantly arise in and through situational interactions, which either contribute to or weaken parties’ agency. Four forms of interaction are suggested that shape emotional dynamics in conflict and conflict transformation: (1) cooperative interaction, which leads to positive emotional energy (EE) such as confidence and trust that promote action, (2) dominating interaction, in which the dominating party gains more positive EE than the dominated party, (3) conflictual interaction, which generates negative EE that drives conflictual action, and (4) disengaged interaction, which causes loss of focus, boredom, indifference and fatigue.

  • Year 2018
  • Author(s) Isabel Bramsen, Poul Poder
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Tunisia’s 2013 National Dialogue: Political Crisis ManagementNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

This publication is one of seven case studies; others include Guatemala, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nepal, and Sudan. The case studies provide recommendations for on-going processes in the specific country and inform the Handbook’s findings. The overall aim of the project is to improve National Dialogues and enhance the capacities and contributions of conflict parties, local stakeholders and external actors towards their successful implementation.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle, Amine Ghali, Hèla Yousfi, Mohamed Limam, Nina Grønlykke Mollerup
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The Roles of Women in Counter-Radicalisation and Disengagement (CRaD) ProcessesBest Practices and Lessons Learned from Europe and the Arab World

This input paper was provided in the framework of a workshop on the roles of women in counter-radicalisation and disengagement (CRaD) processes organized by the Berghof Foundation in Beirut in August 2017. The author looked into best practices and lessons learned from Europe and the Arab World. She also analysed the dynamics of the workshop and introduced among others the recommendations put forward by the participants.

  • Year 2018
  • Author(s) Jennifer Philippa Eggert
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National Dialogue in Libya: The National Dialogue Preparatory CommissionNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

This paper examines the unsuccessful efforts to instigate a National Dialogue in Libya over 2011-14. It uses the Libyan case to hypothesise that for National Dialogues to be successful, the context and conditions under which they are inaugurated must be favourable, and seeks to identify what conditions in Libya combined to cause its early efforts to falter. The paper first analyses what conditions existed in Libya 2011-14 and why they led to the view that a National Dialogue was necessary. It then addresses the conditions under which the National Dialogue was established, and also analyses the various alternatives to National Dialogue mooted during this time. In its conclusion, the paper attempts to extract what lessons or principles can be drawn from the Libyan case that are of relevance to future National Dialogue design processes, and to the case literature on this mechanism.

  • Year 2018
  • Author(s) Felix-Anselm van Lier
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