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Strengthening Resilience - Building Peace from withinTraining manual I, Building peace from the inside out
This manual is published as part of the project "Nonviolent Education in Jordan". It gives an insight into the contents and methods of qualification courses which the Berghof Foundation implemented with Jordanian and Syrian (cash for work) staff members of international organisations in the refugee camps Azraq and Zaatari in 2017. The main focus of the publication is on mental and physical well-being and strengthening resilience. It contains advice for facilitators and descriptions of exercises for further use.
- Year 2017
- Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Vladimir Kostić
تعزيز القدرة عىل املقاومة – بناء السالم من الداخلدليل التدريب 1- بناء السالم من الداخل إىل الخارج
باإلضافة إىل ذلك، فإن مراعاة ظروف النزاع يف هذا السياق تعني، عىل سبيل املثال، تشجيع فهم النزاع كفرصة للتغيريوالتطوير، وانعكاس املواقف الشخصية وسلوكيات النزاع، مبا يف ذلك القواعد والقيم األساسية. عالوة عىل ذلك، فإنهيشمل زيادة الوعي باالحتياجات والرغبات واألهداف الشخصية، وأيضا اكتشاف الحدود الشخصية. وأخريا، فاحرتاممبادئ مراعاة ظروف الصدمة، وهو مقاربة أساسية لتعزيز التفاعل البناّء بني األشخاص )انظر GIZ 2017 )هو أيضاجانب ال غنى عنه من جوانب مراعاة ظروف النزاع.ا أساسيا من مقاربة الدورة التأهيلية، وبالتايل من الدليل املوجود يف متناول اليد.جميع هذه الجوانب تعترب جزءتتكون الدورة التأهيلية ذاتها من ثالث وحدات، وحدة حول الرتبية عىل السالم ووحدة حول املقاومة ووحدة حولاملرسح التفاعيل، ويركز هذا الدليل عىل وحدة تعزيز القدرة عىل املقاومة فقط.
- Year 2017
- Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Vladimir Kostić
Emotional Dynamics in Conflict and Conflict TransformationHandbook Article
This article explores how emotions significantly arise in and through situational interactions, which either contribute to or weaken parties’ agency. Four forms of interaction are suggested that shape emotional dynamics in conflict and conflict transformation: (1) cooperative interaction, which leads to positive emotional energy (EE) such as confidence and trust that promote action, (2) dominating interaction, in which the dominating party gains more positive EE than the dominated party, (3) conflictual interaction, which generates negative EE that drives conflictual action, and (4) disengaged interaction, which causes loss of focus, boredom, indifference and fatigue.
- Year 2018
- Author(s) Isabel Bramsen, Poul Poder
Tunisia’s 2013 National Dialogue: Political Crisis ManagementNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies
This publication is one of seven case studies; others include Guatemala, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nepal, and Sudan. The case studies provide recommendations for on-going processes in the specific country and inform the Handbook’s findings. The overall aim of the project is to improve National Dialogues and enhance the capacities and contributions of conflict parties, local stakeholders and external actors towards their successful implementation.
- Year 2017
- Author(s) Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle, Amine Ghali, Hèla Yousfi, Mohamed Limam, Nina Grønlykke Mollerup
The Roles of Women in Counter-Radicalisation and Disengagement (CRaD) ProcessesBest Practices and Lessons Learned from Europe and the Arab World
This input paper was provided in the framework of a workshop on the roles of women in counter-radicalisation and disengagement (CRaD) processes organized by the Berghof Foundation in Beirut in August 2017. The author looked into best practices and lessons learned from Europe and the Arab World. She also analysed the dynamics of the workshop and introduced among others the recommendations put forward by the participants.
- Year 2018
- Author(s) Jennifer Philippa Eggert
National Dialogue in Libya: The National Dialogue Preparatory CommissionNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies
This paper examines the unsuccessful efforts to instigate a National Dialogue in Libya over 2011-14. It uses the Libyan case to hypothesise that for National Dialogues to be successful, the context and conditions under which they are inaugurated must be favourable, and seeks to identify what conditions in Libya combined to cause its early efforts to falter. The paper first analyses what conditions existed in Libya 2011-14 and why they led to the view that a National Dialogue was necessary. It then addresses the conditions under which the National Dialogue was established, and also analyses the various alternatives to National Dialogue mooted during this time. In its conclusion, the paper attempts to extract what lessons or principles can be drawn from the Libyan case that are of relevance to future National Dialogue design processes, and to the case literature on this mechanism.
- Year 2018
- Author(s) Felix-Anselm van Lier
Bases de la Facilitación del Diálogo
Diálogo – el intercambio significativo y significante de percepciones y opiniones – es uno de los métodos más frecuentes a los que las personas recurren cuando se trata de cuestiones conflictivas. Enfoques como mediación y negociación, a menudo utilizados para resolver diferencias a nivel político y social, incorporan elementos de diálogo, más si se está tratando con un diálogo de alto nivel, como el que se sostuvo en el Yemen o en Sudán en los últimos años por medio de reuniones regionales o encuentros comunales. En estos escenarios de conflicto es crucial que se proceda convocando y celebrando reuniones de diálogo cuidadosamente – especialmente en aquellos con el potencial de tornarse violentos. A pesar de un sinnúmero de manuales y reflexiones sobre el buen diálogo, la pregunta de cómo prepararse y establecer un diálogo exitoso sigue siendo apremiante e intrigante para los y las practicantes y académicos/as por igual.
- Year 2018
- Author(s) Norbert Ropers
Transformative Approaches to Violent ExtremismHandbook Dialogue Series No. 13 - complete
Dealing with violent extremism (VE) has emerged as a central framework of analysis and policy-making in most Western and non-Western government agencies. It is also heavily shaping the programming of non-governmental agencies, not least due to the availability of related funding lines.
While there is an undeniable need to address violent extremism, this latest Berghof Handbook Dialogue takes as one premise that more often than not, analysis and programming to date often fall short in understanding and tackling the root causes of the phenomenon. Our lead article proposes: "Ultimately, addressing VE is fundamentally about conflict transformation, yet CVE/PVE interventions are rarely designed to be transformative."
- Year 2018
Dialogue National au MaliLeçons de la Conférence Nationale de 1991 pour le processus de sortie de crise (Manuel sur le Dialogue National. Étude de Cas)
Depuis de nombreuses années, la problématique du dialogue entre acteurs maliens se trouve au coeur des débats. En effet, la crise profonde qui a été révélée par les événements du 21 mars 2012 a ébranlé le tissu social et le vivre ensemble et fragilisé l’Etat et ses institutions. Le Dialogue National est alors réapparu comme une nécessité absolue afin de permettre à tous les enfants de la nation de se retrouver et se concerter sur le nouveau contrat social qui doit lier les maliennes et les maliens.
- Year 2016
- Author(s) Ousmane Sy, Ambroise Dakouo, Kadari Traoré
La Conférence d’Entente NationaleMise en œuvre et leçons apprises pour le dialogue national au Mali
Depuis de nombreuses années, la problématique du dialogue national se trouve au cœur des débats socio-politiques au Mali. En effet, la crise profonde qui a été révélée par les événements du 21 mars 2012 a ébranlé le tissu social et le vivre ensemble et fragilisé l’Etat et ses institutions. Le dialogue national est alors réapparu comme une nécessité absolue afin de permettre à tous les enfants de la nation de se retrouver et se concerter sur le nouveau contrat social qui doit lier les maliennes et les maliens. Pour sortir de la crise actuelle, l’Accord pour la paix et la réconciliation issu du processus d’Alger, signé le 15 mai et le 20 juin 2015 à Bamako a proposé l’ouverture d’une série d’espaces et d’initiatives de dialogue dont la tenue d’une Conférence d’Entente Nationale (CEN).
Cette étude présente une analyse systématique centrée sur les résultats de la CEN de mars 2017.
- Year 2018
- Author(s) Ousmane Sy, Ambroise Dakouo, Kadari Traoré