31 Aug 2017

Gender and Inclusive Security: A new approach to the Cyprus Problem within the framework on Security Dialogue

Security Dialogue Project - Background Paper

In the 57 years since the inception of the Republic of Cyprus, only three Greek Cypriot women have so far had any kind of involvement and impact in the peace process, with the situation being worse as far as the Turkish Cypriot community is concerned, where the corresponding number is a feeble one.


Anna Koukkides-Procopiou


Ahmet Sözen, Jared L. Ordway


Putting aside the obvious moral argument, this paper emphasizes a utilitarian approach to the necessity of applying a gender lens onto peace and security in the case of Cyprus. It proposes that a new dialectic should infuse the ongoing security dialogue between the two communities, the guarantor states and the international mediation team – that of inclusive security. That approach, it is argued, could not only leed to better outcomes, but also improve the long-term sustainability and political effectiveness of such outcomes.

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