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From War-Making to Peacebuilding? Opportunities and Pitfalls of an Integral Approach to Armed Social Violence in MexicoBerghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 12 - comment

The essay by Bernardo Arévalo de León and Ana Glenda Tager constitutes an important and welcome contribution to a much-needed dialogue on alternative ways to address non-conventional armed violence in Latin America. It offers a critical reference point to move away from the militarised and repressive strategies that have been privileged by most Latin American countries, towards an integral approach that aims to create the necessary conditions to build peace in a feasible and sustainable manner (Arévalo de León/Tager 2016, 20-21). The following response is based on my own research dealing with the sociological and historical underpinnings of armed social violence in Mexico and Central America. It also builds on my experience as a practitioner working within a citizen security framework geared towards the adoption of more integral and sustainable approaches to violence in Latin America.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Gema Santamaría
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The (Not So) New Challenge of Responding to Armed Social Violence with PeacebuildingBerghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 12 - comment

Reading the excellent article by Bernardo Arévalo de León and Ana Glenda Tager on armed social violence felt like a long walk in the mountains: challenging, invigorating – and definitely worth the effort. The three strands entwined in their rigorous discourse assert that armed social violence (including criminal and inter-communal violence) is a phenomenon distinct from conventional armed violence and different again from individual and terrorist violence – although they choose not to say much about these latter spheres. The second strand in their argument is that our developing field of peacebuilding has relevant experiences to offer to complement traditional criminal justice responses. Then they move to a call for a different strategic, systemic and operational response, one that fundamentally engages with the complex natures of social and conventional armed conflicts.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Andy Carl
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Traditional Institutions of Dispute Resolution in IndiaExperiences from Khasi and Garo Hills in Meghalaya (Case Study)

This report is part of a wider comparative research project generously funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research and implemented by the Berghof Foundation. With the title “Peaceful Coexistence? ‘Traditional’ and ‘Non-traditional’ Conflict Resolution Mechanisms”, the project analyses the patterns of coexistence between ‘traditional’ (indigenous, local, community-based) and ‘non-traditional’ (imported, liberal, state-based) approaches to conflict resolution based on field research in Colombia, Liberia and Northeast India. The main focus of the research project is whether the coexistence of traditional and non-traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution leads to tension and competition between these mechanisms, thereby potentially furthering conflict, or whether the coexistence leads to more (or better) conflict resolution options for the population, thereby promoting conflict settlement processes.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Priyankar Upadhyaya, Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya
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Post-war Political SettlementsFrom Participatory Transition Processes to Inclusive State-building and Governance

The last decade has seen a growing convergence of policy and research discourses among development, peace and conflict, and democratisation experts, with regards to the assumed benefits of inclusive transition processes from conflict and fragility to peace and resilience. The realisation that the social, economic or political exclusion of large segments of society is a key driver of intra-state wars has prompted donor agencies, diplomats and peacebuilding practitioners, as well as the respective academic communities, to search for the right formula to support inclusive and participatory conflict transformation mechanisms and post-war state-society relations. While these various stakeholders profess rhetorical commitment to inclusivity, the term is used in very different and sometimes even in contradictory ways. There are profound disagreements on who should be included in peace processes and political transitions, at what stage and to what end.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet, Stina Lundström
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“Undeclared Wars”– Exploring a Peacebuilding Approach to Armed Social ViolenceHandbook Dialogue Series No. 12 - complete

In some countries, more civilians are being killed by armed gangs and criminal organisations than in traditional combat. Still, these pockets of armed social violence – "undeclared wars" marked, among other things, by criminal, gang and/or urban violence as well as extremist violence – have long received much less attention than politically motivated forms of armed conflicts. As their effects — social-political destabilisation, in some cases coinciding with high numbers of victims — are becoming more pressing, national and international actors have begun addressing the phenomenon.

  • Year 2016
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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2015

Our 2015 annual report lays out some of the activities implemented by our organisation and highlights key achievements of our work over the past year. It illustrates the manifold approaches that we employ as we support our partners in their efforts to transform violent conflicts and engage in cooperation towards peace.

  • Year 2016
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Berghof Foundation Jahresbericht 2015

Unser Jahresbericht 2015 informiert über einige Aktivitäten und Höhepunkte unserer Arbeit. Er gibt einen Einblick in die von uns unternommenen Anstrengungen, unsere Partner in aller Welt in deren Bemühungen bei der Überwindung von Gewalt und für den Frieden zu unterstützen.

  • Year 2016
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Tantangan dan Peluang bagi Perempuan Kombatan dalam Kepemimpinan di Komunitas PascaperangPembelajaran dan Aceh dan Mindanao (Laporan Lokakarya)

Berdasarkan pada lokakarya berbasis pembelajaran bersama bulan April 2016 di Cotabato antara mantan perempuan anggota Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) di Aceh (Indonesia) dan anggota dari perempuan pasukan bantuan Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) di Mindanao (Filipina), laporan ini melakukan sintesa dari pembelajaran para peserta tentang tantangan dan peluang bagi transisi perempuan kombatan dalam kepemimpinan di komunitas pascaperang. Laporan ini juga menawarkan sejumlah rekomendasi kebijakan kunci dalam dukungan opsi bagi para agensi di tingkat nasional dan internasional dalam bidang pembangunan-perdamaian dan pembangunan di Mindanao serta konteks dari konflik asimetris antara negara dan satu atau lebih kelompok bersenjata non-negara.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Stina Lundström, Shadia Marhaban
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Challenges and Opportunities for Female Combatants’ Post-War Community LeadershipLessons Learnt from Aceh and Mindanao (Workshop Report)

This report synthesises lessons learnt on the challenges and opportunities for female combatants’ transition into post-war community leadership in the Philippines and in Aceh (Indonesia) based on a peer-advice workshop convened in Cotabato City, Philippines, in April 2016, with funding from the Robert Bosch Foundation. The workshop brought together former female members of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) of Aceh (Indonesia) and current members of the Bangsamoro Women’s Auxiliary Brigade (BIWAB) of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Mindanao (Philippines). The report offers key policy recommendations and support options for national and international peacebuilding and development agencies, particularly in contexts of asymmetric conflict between a state and one or more non-state armed groups.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Stina Lundström, Shadia Marhaban
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Tradition- & Faith-Oriented Insider Mediators (TFIMs) as Crucial Actors in Conflict TransformationPotential, Constraints, & Opportunities for Collaborative Support (Baseline Study)

This study on tradition- and faith- oriented insider mediators (TFIMs) has been produced using both existing knowledge on insider mediators and tradition- and faith-oriented local peacebuilding, and original data acquired through field studies.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Mir Mubashir, Luxshi Vimalarajah
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