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Peaceful Coexistence?‘Traditional’ and ‘Non-traditional’ Conflict Resolution Mechanisms

This report is the final analytical report of a comparative research project generously funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research and implemented by the Berghof Foundation. The project analyzes the forms of coexistence between ‘traditional’ (indigenous, local, community-based) and ‘non-traditional’ (imported, liberal, state-based, Western) approaches to conflict resolution, and is based on field research in Colombia, Liberia and Northeast India. Its central line of inquiry examines whether the coexistence of traditional and non-traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution leads to tension and competition between these mechanisms, thereby potentially furthering conflict, or whether the coexistence leads to more (or better) conflict resolution options for the population, thereby promoting conflict settlement processes and outcomes.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Janel B. Galvanek, Katrin Planta
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Basics of Mediation: Concepts and DefinitionsFact Sheet Series: Peace Mediation and Mediation Support

This fact sheet is part of a fact sheet series on peace mediation that provides a structured overview of approaches, stakeholders, challenges and possibilities for action in the field of peace mediation.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) German Federal Foreign Office, Initiative Mediation Support Deutschland (IMSD)
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Conflict sensitive refugee assistanceDocumentation of project activities “Nonviolent Education in Jordan 2016”

Today, conflict sensitivity is a renown and established concept in the fields of education, development cooperation, and journalism. The concept is based on the assumption that every human action, well-intended or not, is a form of intervention in a certain context and, thus, interacts with it. In consequence, no action can be understood as neutral as they contain both, the potential to cause or intensify conflicts, but also the potential to promote and strengthen peace. Up to now, the concept has been mainly applied in professional contexts in former and current regions of crisis and conflict. The Berghof Foundation, however, perceives it as extremely valuable to apply it specifically to the field of professional and voluntary refugee assistance, where well-intended actions are often followed by misperceptions and frustrations that may culminate in the use of violence, instead of the envisioned outcome. The Berghof Foundation’s good experiences with a workshop format on conflict sensitive refugee assistance for volunteers engaged in the field in Germany and the affirmative feedback received by workshop participants, fed into the development of the two different formats of the model workshops on conflict sensitive refugee assistance in Jordan.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Cassandra Schützko
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مساعدة الالجئني املراعية لظروف النزاعمدونة ألنشطة مرشوع

[خلاصة الترجمة الآلية]

تعتبر حساسية الصراع اليوم مفهومًا مشهورًا وراسخًا في مجالات التعليم والتعاون الإنمائي والصحافة. يعتمد المفهوم على افتراض أن كل عمل بشري ، حسن النية أم لا ، هو شكل من أشكال التدخل في سياق معين ، وبالتالي يتفاعل معه. ونتيجة لذلك ، لا يمكن فهم أي إجراء على أنه محايد لأنه يحتوي على كليهما ، إمكانية التسبب في النزاعات أو تفاقمها ، ولكن أيضًا القدرة على تعزيز السلام وتقويته. حتى الآن ، تم تطبيق المفهوم بشكل أساسي في السياقات المهنية في مناطق الأزمات والصراع السابقة والحالية. ومع ذلك ، ترى مؤسسة Berghof أنه من المفيد للغاية تطبيقه على وجه التحديد في مجال المساعدة المهنية والتطوعية للاجئين ، حيث غالبًا ما يتبع الإجراءات حسنة النية تصورات خاطئة وإحباطات قد تتوج باستخدام العنف ، بدلاً من المتصور. النتيجة. ساهمت التجارب الجيدة لمؤسسة Berghof Foundation في تنسيق ورشة عمل حول مساعدة اللاجئين الحساسة للنزاع للمتطوعين العاملين في الميدان في ألمانيا والتعليقات الإيجابية التي تلقاها المشاركون في ورشة العمل ، في تطوير شكلين مختلفين من ورش العمل النموذجية حول مساعدة اللاجئين الحساسة للنزاع في الأردن.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Dagmar Nolden, Cassandra Schützko
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Documentation Conference "Strengthening a culture of dialogue in Jordan"

The documentation of the conference gives an insight into the different panel speeches, the vivid discussions as well as the thorough exchange of experiences and expertise between multipliers, including several university presidents and professors, as well as Jordanian and German experts with political, social or educational backgrounds. This exchange was particularly enabled through the interactive method "World Café".

  • Year 2016
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تعزيز بناء ثقافة الحوار يف األردنمدونة املؤمتر املنعقد

[ترجمة آلية الملخص]

يعطي توثيق المؤتمر نظرة ثاقبة لخطب اللجان المختلفة والمناقشات الحية بالإضافة إلى التبادل الشامل للتجارب والخبرات بين المضاعفين ، بما في ذلك العديد من رؤساء الجامعات والأساتذة ، فضلاً عن الخبراء الأردنيين والألمان من ذوي الخلفيات السياسية أو الاجتماعية أو التعليمية. تم تمكين هذا التبادل بشكل خاص من خلال الطريقة التفاعلية "مقهى العالم".

  • Year 2016
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Los Planes de Desarrollo Territorial

El presente documento de lineamientos metodológicos se realizó en el marco de la Estrategia de incidencia para la incorporación de la Construcción de Paz en los Planes de Desarrollo Territorial (PDT), liderada por la mesa técnica interinstitucional compuesta por la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz (OACP); el Despacho del Ministro Consejero para el Posconflicto, los Derechos Humanos y la Seguridad; y el Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP). Esta estrategia tiene como objetivo generar herramientas e instrumentos que puedan ser adoptados a las particularidades del territorio, para que los entes territoriales incluyan de manera transversal temas y tareas claves concernientes a la paz en sus PDT y en otros instrumentos de planificación. De igual forma, pretende posicionar la paz como un propósito de toda la población nacional.

  • Year 2016
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National Dialogue in Mali: Lessons from the 1991 National Conference for the Nascent Conference of National UnderstandingNational Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

The question of dialogue has been at the heart of inter-Malian debates for many years. The deep crisis that was revealed by the events of 21 March 2012 has undermined the social fabric and peaceful co-existence, and has weakened the state and its institutions. National Dialogue has thus reappeared as an absolute necessity in order to allow for all the children of the nation to come together again and collectively set forth the new social contract which must bind Malian women and men. Based on a thorough review of the dialogue experience gained during the National Conference of 1991, this study allows us to provide perspectives for a renewal of National Dialogue in post-crisis Mali.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Ousmane Sy, Ambroise Dakouo, Kadari Traoré
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Sudan's National Dialogue ConferenceThe Permissible Questions

This case study is elaborating on the details of the new National Dialogue process in Sudan, exploring its prospects and trying to see how it differs from the previous attempts and what the lessons it will draw from them, and to see if it is capable to avoid the junctions of failure connected with those previous dialogue processes.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Elshafie Khidir Saeid
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Dilemmas of ownership, inclusivity, legitimacy and power: Towards transformative National Dialogue processesNational Dialogue Handbook: Conceptual Studies

This paper takes a broad look at some of the decisive qualities needed to underpin more transformative national dialogue processes. It focuses on ownership, inclusion, legitimacy and shifting power dynamics among the key parties and the groups that comprise the society. Each of these qualities is explored conceptually and empirically. Drawing on multiple case studies, learning points are drawn out with the aim of sensitising practitioners to the importance of these qualities so they can cultivate them through strategies and practices in supporting national dialogue.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Catherine Barnes
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