1 Dec 2019
Conflict Assessment, Galmudug State
An Analysis of Local Perspectives

This study investigated the nature and dynamics of conflicts in Galmudug State. The assessment examined the various conflicts that exist in the state and the key actors that play a central role in these conflicts. The assessment also examined the conflict resolution mechanisms that are used to resolve local conflicts in Galmudug State, and the actors that play an important role in conflict resolution and reconciliation processes. Furthermore, we examined opinions and attitudes on topics such as federal-ism, the 4.5 system and overall political participation in Galmudug State. Lastly, the study investigated the various challenges to conflict resolution and reconciliation processes as well as the urgent needs of the citizens of Galmudug State with regard to peace and conflict.
Abass Kassim Sheikh, Janel B. Galvanek, Pascal Grimm
- SO - Af Soomaali (Somali) - Warbixin ku saabsan Qiimeynta Khilaafka ee Dowlad Goboledka Galmudug. Falanqayn Ku Saabsan Deeganka Aragtidooda
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