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Yemen Political Dialogue Support Programme

The PDSP supports Yemeni and international efforts for a political solution that provides the basis to end the war, to resume an inclusive political dialogue, and to relaunch the political transition.

  • Current Project
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Culture of conflict 3.0

Using innovative methods, the project strengthens the media and information competence of young people and supports the development of skills, which enable them to critically consume media.

  • Past Project 2017 - 2019
Dr. Habiba Sarābi speaking at the Intra-Afghan Conference for Peace,

Dialogue sparks hope for peace in Afghanistan

We are supporting an inclusive Afghan-owned and led process to establish sustainable peace in the country.

  • Impact
Our work supports the development of locally appropriate and inclusive mechanisms to prevent violence.

In Colombia, a peace from and for the territoriesHow a regional focus informs national efforts to sustain the peace

We support the creation of mechanisms that help Colombians to engage with and enable peace in their communities.

  • Impact
[BF] Impact Landing Page
Collection Item Image

Inclusive Political SettlementsPapers series

Several background, case study, comparative and policy-related publications were produced within the context of the IPS project. They were written by researchers from our partner institutions, ‘insider experts’ from former power contenders, external experts, as well as the research coordination team at the Berghof Foundation.

  • Collection 18 items
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Our courses and trainings

We offer innovative courses and trainings where interested practitioners can draw on our long experience and technical expertise in international conflict settings.

  • Overview
Image of Florian Lüdtke

Florian Lüdtke

Media and Communications Manager, Communications

  • Berghof People
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Our work in Latin America

We provide tailor-made and hands-on support, particularly in the fields of dialogue with multiple actors and on different levels, as well as process facilitation and joint learning.

  • Overview
Image of Shirin Reuvers

Shirin Reuvers

Head of Strategic Partnerships, Strategic Partnerships

  • Berghof People
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