FEATURE | 15 Sept 2020

We need to talk

Changing climate, changing conflicts

image missing ALT text Image: adelphi / Berghof Foundation

The Berghof Foundation and adelphi held a conversation on the importance of shifting the peacebuilding discourse to better acknowledge and address climate change.


On 15 September, as part of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020, the Berghof Foundation and adelphi held a special conversation on the importance of shifting the peacebuilding discourse to better acknowledge and address climate change.

This event featured Andrew Gilmour, Executive Director of the Berghof Foundation, and Janani Vivekananda, Senior Advisor at adelphi, in a fireside chat. Moderated by renowned mediator and former diplomat Günther Baechler, they discussed why and how climate change and environmental considerations should be an integral part of conflict analysis and peacebuilding processes.

Watch the full discussion below.

This event kicks off an institutional partnership between the Berghof Foundation and adelphi to promote climate-risk informed peacebuilding processes around the world.

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