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Creating Clarity in Conflict? Integrating Organisational Development into the Peacebuilding WorldHandbook Article
Organisations working in and on conflict face unique challenges that can impact their work and approaches on peacebuilding and conflict transformation. Do we know how to deal with them?
To improve the development of mechanisms and processes that suit the complex nature of peacebuilding endeavors, this article examines how Organisational Development (OD) can contribute to strategies that help to overcome organisational challenges.
- Year 2020
- Author(s) Torge Kübler
Memory and history as a basis of social reconciliation of Armenians and Azerbaijanis
We use individual biographical narratives to stimulate reflection and discussion in the respective societies.
- Past Project 2025 - 2025
History dialogue in Georgian-Abkhazian conflict
We support our partners in overcoming the 'silence on history' that characterises many interactions across conflict lines and acknowledge the grievances caused by violence and injustice on all sides.
- Current Project
Исторический диалог грузино-абхазского конофликта
Мы поддерживаем наших партнеров в преодолении «умалчивания истории», характерного во взаимодействии сторон конфликта и признании ущерба вызванного насилием и несправедливостью вовлеченных сторон.
- Current Project
ქართულ-აფხაზური კონფლიქტის ისტორიული დიალოგი
ჩვენ მხარს ვუჭერთ პარტნიორებს კონფლიქტის მხარეებისთვის დამახასიათებელი ”ისტორიის მიჩუმათების” დაძლევაში და კონფლიქტში ჩართული მხარეების ძალადობითა და უსამართლობით გამოწვეული ზიანის აღიარებაში.
- Current Project
Memory and history for social conciliation in Bosnia
Through the discussion of individual memories about the conflict escalation we are laying the ground for a deep and empathetic conciliation process between the different ethnic sections within Bosnia.
- Past Project 2018 - 2021
Regional peacebuilding in Colombia
Our work accompanied Colombian actors in developing and implementing conflict transformation and peace efforts on different levels, and shares the lessons learnt in order to improve national policies.
- Past Project 2015 - 2020
Berghof welcomes Afghan breakthrough agreement
Afghan government and Taliban movement representatives came to an agreement on the procedure and the preamble of the peace negotiations.
- press release 2 Dec 2020