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Conflict resolution with Salafi-jihadi groups

The research project examined (de-)escalation trajectories of Salafi-jihadi armed groups and explored options and challenges for conflict resolution.

  • Past Project 2017 - 2019
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Incremental inclusivity in peace process design

This project analyses the incremental inclusion of non-state armed groups and societal actors during different stages of a peace process.

  • Past Project 2019 - 2020
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Community resilience to violent extremism

The comparative research project examines root causes and driving factors of violent extremism in local communities across seven countries in the MENA and Balkans.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2023
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The model project aims to give young people the opportunity to have a critical look at conspiracy theories and their underlying narratives.

  • Current Project
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Wir bieten Eltern und Lehrkräften Workshops zum Umgang mit Falschinformationen und verschwörungstheoretische Narrativen an, damit sie sich aktiv in eine digitale Zivilgesellschaft einbringen können.

  • Current Project
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Strengthening inclusive local governance and peacebuilding in Yemen

The project supports mediation, local consultation, and stabilisation efforts in three Yemeni governorates and seeks to include local governance issues in the peace process.

  • Current Project
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From female combatants to post-war democratic leaders

Using filmmaking as an accessible and evocative research method, female ex-combatants document how they experience reintegration, post-war development and leadership.

  • Past Project 2018 - 2020
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Radicalisation research and prevention in Germany

The MOTRA research network counters violent radicalisation through phenomenon monitoring, knowledge transfer and networking with different actors and perspectives.

  • Current Project
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Radikalisierungsforschung und -prävention in Deutschland

Der Forschungsverbund MOTRA begegnet gewaltaffiner Radikalisierung durch Phänomenmonitoring, Wissenstransfer und Vernetzung. Die Berghof Foundation trägt hierzu mit Expert*innenpanels bei.

  • Current Project
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Strengthening community safety in Yemen

This project aims to strengthen the safety of communities in Yemen through local dialogue.

  • Current Project
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