Video: Making peace with the climate

Watch a video of our online event featuring an expert discussion on water conflicts and conflict resolution approaches.
Update, 29 March
This event took place on 22 March 2021. You can watch a recording of the event below.
Thank you to all who could join us and to the discussants for their involvement in this event.
"Water management, land management and resource management has to be an integral part of the dialogue and a future peace deal. Otherwise any future government in #Afghanistan will face serious water shortage" - @SarabiHabiba #Berghof50 #EIPevents #WorldWaterDay pic.twitter.com/d6E2AbYiwY
— Berghof Foundation (@BerghofFnd) March 22, 2021
Looking for emerging themes, here is one. Thank you @_AGilmour and @EIPKeating for the opportunity to share Finnish water diplomacy experiences. Also to note: mediators @BerghofFnd & @Eurpeace working in tandem. No envoy envy. @Ulkoministerio https://t.co/yfa0VOaqaA
— Kai Sauer (@sauerka) March 23, 2021
“We want to emphasise using #climatechange not as a threat multiplier but as an opportunity multiplier for the #MENA region”, says @EcoPeaceME's director @NadaMajdalani #Berghof50 #EIPevents #WorldWaterDay pic.twitter.com/PasV45Nwzf
— Berghof Foundation (@BerghofFnd) March 22, 2021
The impacts of climate change and environmental degradation are receiving unprecedented attention at the highest level of governments and international institutions and within the peacebuilding community. Mediators, community leaders and other conflict resolution actors are increasingly aware of the risks and challenges posed by the negative consequences of climate change on habitats and natural resources. While they tend to exacerbate existing conflicts, environmental issues may also serve as entry points for conflict transformation; be it in political dialogue, in crisis management and in capturing opportunities of climate adaptation.
On the occasion of World Water Day, the Berghof Foundation and the European Institute of Peace are teaming up to host an online event that will focus on practical ways in which communities affected or threatened by conflict can draw upon the growing knowledge on climate security to promote dialogue and to prevent and resolve conflicts. With water conflict as a prism, conflict resolution practitioners will share their experiences and lessons learnt while trying to resolve conflicts over water or with water scarcity as an important backdrop. The discussion will also reflect the opportunity of motivating conflict parties to cooperate on shared environmental challenges as an entry point for more comprehensive peace negotiations.
Making peace with the climate: Water crises as entry points for conflict resolution
Monday, 22 March 2021
16-18:00 CET (ical,ics)
Online event via Zoom | Language: English
Opening remarks
- Andrew Gilmour, Executive Director, Berghof Foundation
Keynote (10 min)
- Kai Sauer, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Security Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Panel discussion (40 min) and Q&A (20 min)
- Nada Majdalani, Director of Palestine Office, EcoPeace Middle East
- Robert Mardini, Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross
- Alexander Rondos, EU Special Representative to the Horn of Africa
- Habiba Sarabi, Member of Afghan Peace Negotiation Team, former Deputy Chair of the Afghanistan High Peace Council
Moderator: Michael Keating, Executive Director, European Institute of Peace
Closing remarks
- Susanne Schmeier, Associate Professor in Water Law and Diplomacy,
IHE Delft
We are looking very much forward to involving you in the discussion. Please send us your questions via email hidden; JavaScript is required prior to the event or join our discussion on Twitter.
50 Years Berghof Foundation
The Berghof Foundation is marking its 50th anniversary in 2021. This event is part of a series of events we are holding throughout the year to reflect on past and current peacebuilding successes and challenges. The events will identify and look at trends in order to develop tactics that will ensure our efforts towards sustainable peace together with our partners remain effective in the years to come. Find out more on our website and sign up for our newsletters or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date about our anniversary programme.
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