1 Dec 2019
Mediation in Iran: A Course Manual.
Project Peace Education in Iran. In cooperation with Tehran Peace Museum

Dealing with conflict in a constructive way as an inseparable part of life requires different tools and each country and community has come up with different methods for that. Traditional mediation has been used as such a tool in Iran for hundreds of years. The Berghof Foundation's Peace Education and Global Learning Programme and the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) have developed a qualification course on mediation. The manual is available for free download here in English and Farsi and contains an overview of the mediation approach adapted to the Iranian context. The manual includes an overview of different personal conflict styles, gives an insight into conflict escalation and de-escalation, and the purpose of conflict analysis. It introduces the mediation approach, its principles and characteristics, and shows how mediation can be used in different phases of conflict. It also focuses on and the characteristics, competencies, skills and roles of a mediator. And it connects the mediation approach with experiences from Iran, especially in the field of insider and faith-based mediators.
Cora Bieß, Uli Jäger, Isabella M. Bauer, Yalda Khosravi, Neda Pouryekta, Eva Sodeik-Zecha
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