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Berghof Foundation ist neues Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden und Entwicklung (FriEnt)
Die Berghof Foundation ergänzt die Arbeitsgemeinschaft als neues Mitglied durch zusätzliche Kompetenzen in Konfliktforschung und Friedensförderung.
- feature 4 May 2022

Frauen in bewaffneten Konflikten und in FriedensverhandlungenBerghof im Gespräch mit dem Straßenmagazin Karuna Kompass
Friedensvereinbarungen sind messbar nachhaltiger, wenn Frauen frühzeitig einbezogen werden.
- feature 9 May 2022

Fostering constructive relationsApproaches to trust-building in peacebuilding interventions
The international community is currently facing a dilemma: although building trust between representatives of state institutions and the population is one of the fundamental components of cooperation between donors and recipient countries of support services in the security sector, we are observing worldwide that trust in state institutions fades. Confidence-building initiatives between citizens and, for example, the police and the military obviously do not always contribute to improvement. Therefore, basic assumptions about the role of trust and how trust-building works in conflict societies must be questioned.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Viktoria Budde, Karoline Eickhoff

Berghof Foundation new member of the Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt)
The Berghof Foundation complements the Working Group with additional competencies in conflict research and peacebuilding.
- feature 4 May 2022

Breaking the vicious cycleEntry points for anti-corruption in inclusive peace processes
Corruption and violent conflict are interlinked in deep and complex ways. This U4 Issue considers how corruption as an element of conflict systems could be addressed during peace processes and how peacebuilders can support political efforts to curb corruption and promote accountability during transitions from war to peace. Now is the time to bridge the contributions of peacebuilding and anti-corruption practitioners in the quest for a sustainable transformation process.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Ulrike Hopp-Nishanka, Joshua Rogers, Calum Humphreys

Governors take centre stage in new presidential council
New presidential council in Yemen highlights central role of local governance.
- feature 17 May 2022

Conflict transformation agendas need more robust anti-corruption efforts
Anti-corruption practitioners and peacebuilders need to work together to secure a durable peace.
- blog post 18 May 2022
- Author(s) David Jackson, Ulrike Hopp-Nishanka, Joshua Rogers, Calum Humphreys

Video: Breaking the vicious cycleHow can anti-corruption measures be integrated in peace processes?
Watch a video of our online discussion about anti-corruption entry points in peacebuilding.
- event 9 Jun 2022