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From fighting fires to weathering food crises: Community safety makes an impact in Yemen
Together with our Yemeni partners, we work in five cities to improve the local communities' abilities to provide a safe environment for their citizens.
- Impact
Johanna Lober
Senior Project Manager, Conflict Transformation Research
- Berghof People
Friedenspädagogik trifft ReligionEin Handbuch für Multiplikator*innen
Dieses Handbuch richtet sich in erster Linie an glaubensbasierte Multiplikator*innen, die das Friedenspotenzial der Religionen stärken wollen, indem sie interessierte Einzelpersonen und Gruppen durch den Einsatz friedenspädagogischer Methoden inspirieren und schulen.
- Year 2021
- Author(s) Cora Bieß, Dagmar Nolden
Climate-focused mediation and peacebuilding in Iraq
This project focuses on climate-focused mediation and peacebuilding in different districts throughout Iraq.
- Current Project
Peace for Ukrainians means their own resilience to withstand aggression:Interview with Ukrainian peace researcher Tetiana Kyselova
To support Ukrainian peacebuilders, international organisations need to listen to local activists and their needs.
- feature 3 Aug 2022
One year after the fall of Kabul: Why the West should talk with the Taliban
In his op-ed for German magazine "Der Spiegel", our Executive Director argues for constructive dialogue in Afghanistan.
- blog post 11 Aug 2022
- Author(s) Andrew Gilmour
Climate change
The long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns that lead to higher sea levels, droughts, and other natural disasters. It is the biggest challenge to humanity yet and impacts existing conflicts or even creates new ones – especially where resources such as water and arable land are becoming scarce. Yet, common concerns about its impact can also offer an entry point for bringing conflict parties to the negotiating table.
Maja Leo
Advisor, Monitoring and Evaluation team
- Berghof People
Friends of Berghof Peace Education / Institute for Peace Education e.V.
The Friends of Berghof Peace Education are supporting Berghof's peace education work.
Förderverein Berghof Peace Education / Institut für Friedenspädagogik e.V.
Der Förderverein Berghof Peace Education unterstützt die friedenspädagogische Arbeit der Berghof Foundation.