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Gender-inclusive conflict transformationPerspectives from female (ex-)combatants
Our team issued a series of papers to bring the insights and knowledge of female ex-combatants into policy debates within the peacebuilding community.
- blog post 8 Nov 2022
- Author(s) Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet

Radikalisierung, quo vadis?Trends und Schlaglichter aus dem nationalen Expert*innenpanel
Dieser Artikel stellt zentrale Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Expert*innenbefragung zum aktuellen Radikalisierungsgeschehen in Deutschland vor. Er ist ein Kapitel im MOTRA-Monitor 2021 und somit Teil einer Reihe von MOTRA-Monitor-Veröffentlichungen zum Thema Radikalisierungsprävention.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Michaela Glaser, Beatrix Austin

Video: Climate change, environmental degradation and conflictResponding to environmental breakdown in areas affected by conflict
Watch the video of the event on the overlapping crises of environmental degradation, climate change and violent conflict, and measures to mitigate against them.
- event 2 Dec 2022

Video: No participation without protectionWomen’s rights in areas controlled by armed and political movements
Watch our event where experts discussed the participation and protection of women within political and armed groups in Myanmar.
- event 8 Dec 2022

لا مشاركة بدون حمايةحقوق المرأة في مناطق سيطرة الحركات المسلحة والسياسية
انضمي إلى حدثنا حيث سيناقش الخبراء مشاركة المرأة وحمايتها في المناطق التي تسيطر عليها الجماعات السياسية والمسلحة.
- event 8 Dec 2022

ကာကွယ်ပေးမှုမရှိလျှင် ပါဝင်မှု မရှိနိုင်ပါလက်နက်ကိုင်နိုင်ငံရေးအင်အားစု ထိန်းချုပ်ဒေသများရှိ အမျိုးသမီးအခွင့်အရေးများ
လက်နက်ကိုင်နိုင်ငံရေးအင်အားစု ထိန်းချုပ်ဒေသများရှိ အမျိုးသမီးများ ပါဝင်မှုနှင့် အကာအကွယ်ပေးရေးဆိုင်ရာ ဆွေးနွေးပွဲသို့ ပါဝင်ရန် ဖိတ်ကြားအပ်ပါသည်။
- event 8 Dec 2022

PAVE working paper 1:Cumulative extremisms in the Balkans
This report summarises the PAVE project’s findings on cumulative extremism in the Western Balkans.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Sead Turčalo, Jelena Brkić-Šmigoc, Mirza Smajić, Veldin Kadić, Muamer Hirkić, Maja Halilovic Pastuovic, Goran Tepšić, Nemanja Džuverović, Gillian Wylie

PAVE working paper 3:Interactions between states and religious institutions in the Balkans
Interactions between states and religious institutions in the Western Balkans are intricate and can have an impact on fuelling or preventing violent extremism. Two countries in the Western Balkans were the focus of the PAVE project’s research for this report: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Maja Halilovic Pastuovic, Goran Tepšić, Nemanja Džuverović, Sead Turčalo, Jelena Brkić-Šmigoc, Mirza Smajić, Veldin Kadić, Muamer Hirkić, Gillian Wylie

PAVE working paper 4:Interactions between states and religious institutions in the MENA region
The PAVE research project found that political and religious institutions in the MENA region have played an important role in the rise of violent extremism. Research data from five different field studies produced in Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia on the topic are compiled in this report.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Rudayna Al-Baalbaky, Faiza Ayed, Juline Beaujouan, Zouheir Ben Jannet, Sadok Damak, Hmida Ennaifer, Josep García Coll, Samiha Hamdi, Marie Kortam, Hassan Laaguir, Amjed Rasheed, Fethi Rekik, Javier Ruipérez Canales, Mohammed Sharqawi, Maher Zoghlami