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Das Georg-Zundel-Haus ist das Büro der Berghof Foundation und ein Ort für Friedensbildung in Tübingen seit 2002.

Berghof Foundation feiert ein halbes Jahrhundert Friedensarbeit

Die Berghof Foundation feiert am 16. Dezember ihr Jubiläum mit einer Baumpflanz-Aktion an ihrem Gründungsort in Tübingen.

  • press release 16 Dec 2021
Ms Alyah E Salik giving an interview in Mindanao, Philippines.

Asking my sisters: Film and booklet releasedVoices of female ex-combatants and their daughters from Mindanao

Experience the stories of two generations of women when female ex-combatants and their daughters share their stories.

  • feature 11 May 2022
Members of the Community Safety Committee in Aden are handing over firefighting kits to selected neighborhoods in the Sirah district as part of their second initiative.

Strengthening local safety in YemenLaunch of a resource hub on community safety

To support actors working on community safety, we are launching a resource hub in Yemen through a training manual, committees and an online platform.

  • feature 10 Jan 2022
News Story Image

Yemen and the COP26: It is time for adequate climate reparations

Yemen is suffering disproportionally from the effects of climate change. COP26 shows that the international community is falling short of helping those in need.

  • feature 13 Jan 2022
Village at the top of Ibb mountains in Yemen

Video: Yemen and its environment

Watch a video of our online panel discussion on the environmental dimensions to conflict and peacebuilding in Yemen.

  • event 2 Mar 2022
Village at the top of Ibb mountains in Yemen

فيديو: اليمن والبيئة ، جلسة مناقشة الكترونية

شاركنا في حلقة نقاش إلكترونية حول الأبعاد البيئية للنزاع وبناء السلام في اليمن.

  • event 2 Mar 2022
Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Peaceful protest movementsChallenges of nonviolent resistance

Online panel discussion with activists and experts on nonviolent action.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Movimientos de protesta pacíficaLos retos de la resistencia no violenta

Panel de discusión en línea sobre los movimientos de protesta pacífica y los retos de la resistencia no violenta.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Мирные протестные движенияВызовы ненасильственного сопротивления

Присоединяйтесь к он-лайн встрече на тему Мирные Протестные Движения и Вызовы Ненасильственного Сопротивления.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Protestors at the Berlin climate strike 2019

Protest MovementsKey drivers of conflict transformation

Nonviolent action by protest movements remains one of the most transformational forces in global politics today.

  • feature 22 Feb 2022
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