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PAVE working paper 5:Online and offline (de-)radicalisation in the Balkans
This report zooms in on the factors of community vulnerability and community resilience to religiously inspired and ethno-political radicalisation in the Western Balkans, with a focus on Kosovo and North Macedonia.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Ramadan Ilazi, Ardit Orana, Teuta Avdimetaj, Bledar Feta, Ana Krstinovska, Yorgos Christidis, Ioannis Armakolas

PAVE working paper 6:Online and offline (de-)radicalisation in the MENA region
Among four case studies implemented in local communities in Lebanon and Tunisia, two communities were identified as resilient against and two as vulnerable towards violent extremism. This report explains the results of these empirical studies that aimed to investigate the nature of community vulnerability and resilience against violent extremism, both in their offline and online manifestations.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Faiza Ayed, Lara Azzam, Zouheir Ben Jannet, Sadok Damak, Maria El Sammak, Samiha Hamdi, Fethi Rekik, Youssef Salloum

PAVE synthesis reportCumulative extremisms in the Balkans and MENA region
This report compares findings on cumulative extremisms across six different countries in the Western Balkans and the MENA region. Focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia, as well as Lebanon and Iraq, it is aimed to create a synthesis of different empirical insights from a set of field-based studies carried out within the context of the PAVE project.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Isak Svensson, Desirée Nilsson

PAVE synthesis reportInteractions between states and religious institutions in the Balkans and MENA region
Socio-political community dynamics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, as well as Iraq, Lebanon, and Tunisia are impacting violent extremism, while at the same time being impacted by violent extremism. In this report, community vulnerability and resilience against violent extremism are explored by assessing the role of the absence or dysfunctions of state and religious authority figures.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Marie Kortam

PAVE synthesis reportOnline and offline (de-)radicalisation in the Balkans and MENA region
This report provides a synthesis of studies on vulnerability and resilience of communities to religious and ethno-political radicalisation in the Western Balkans and MENA region. It summarises findings relating to trends in ethno-political and religious extremism and online vs. offline dynamics of radicalisation.
- Year 2022

Observe and ActThe role of armed and political movements in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Myanmar
Berghof Foundation and Fight for Humanity, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, conducted a participatory research project examining the role that armed and political movements can play to implement UNSCR 1325. The research is based on the experiences of two Ethnic Resistance Organisations (EROs) from Myanmar: the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) and the Karen National Union (KNU). One of the key findings is that the movements do engage with this agenda and have maintained a constant dialogue with women’s organisations in their territories. However, a conservative mindset still exists among parts of the leadership as well the general population. Consequently, measures to protect women in conflict areas are limited and mainly decided on by men, which reduce their effectiveness.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Zin Mar Phyo, Véronique Dudouet, Ann-Kristin Sjöberg, Tilman Papesch, Katharina Schmitz, Nicolas Sion, Maw Day Myar, Thinzar Linn Htet

If people don’t feel safe, how can they play an active role in negotiating peace?Workshop on security guarantees in peace processes
How can peace facilitators put measures in place to protect all parties during peace processes? Véronique Dudouet co-facilitated a workshop on security guarantees.
- blog post 14 Dec 2022
- Author(s) Véronique Dudouet

Next leaders for peace training
Through networking and mentoring, the Berghof Foundation seeks to empower the upcoming leaders of non-governmental organisations working for peace and dialogue.
- Past Project 2022 - 2022

Divided or united?The impact of war on Ukrainian national identity
Our consultant Mariia Levchenko interviewed civil society activists across Ukraine on the impact of war on Ukrainian national identity.
- blog post 20 Dec 2022
- Author(s) Mariia Levchenko

Transformation through artA talk between artists and peacebuilders
Inspired by a recent artist residency, Berghof colleagues discuss with painter Lynne Cameron how art creates space for conflict transformation.
- feature 28 Dec 2022