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Dagoomu Hasaawi Maxaafa Ogeeyyete biddisaanchoeQara xaphphishsha
Sai tonnu dirira, Dagoomu Hasaawa wiinamunni hala’litanno gibbo hoolatenna polotikunna mootimmate shiikko mitiimma tirate qara doogo assine la’nanni. Konne dagoomu hasaawa, gobboomu mootimma, hettisamaano polotiku paarte, dagoomu uurrinshubba gaamonna qodhitino bissa hattono kalqoomu polise, oegeeyye, dippiloomaatenna baraarsaanote kiwabba ledo hala’laduni amaalama dandiiturono xaa geesha hedonsa kaimu hedo ledo sumuu yaate ikkado diikkitino. Polotiku hekko, daga babbadanno gaancenna mitiinsitanno mootimmate reekko tirate dagoomu hasaawa shiqishanno mannira dandaami garinni halaalaancho biddishshanna wo’naalsha uytannoti shiima taje calla no.
- Year 2023

Qajeelfama Marii Biyyaalessaa Qajeelfama Ogeessotaaf Qophaa’eCuunfaa Gabaabaa
Waggoota kurnan darban keessa, Mariin Biyyaalessaa jeequmsa siyaasaa hambisuuf akkasumas hokkaraa fi cehumsa siyaasaa qajeelchuf akka meeshaa murteessatti fudhatamaa tureera. Mariin Biyyaalessaa mootummoota, paartilee mormitootaa, gareewwan hawaasa siivilii fi qaamolee hidhatan, akkasumas imaammata idil-addunyaa, ogeeyyii, bakka bu'oota hawaasa idil-addunyaa fi arjoomtotaa keessatti bal’inaan mari’atamaa haa turuuyyuu malee, hanga har’aatti fudhatamni isaa iftoomina yaad-rimee isaa waliin wal-hinginne. Qaamolee Marii Biyyaalessaa akka tooftaa wal-dhabbiiwwan siyaasaa, haalota walitti bu’iinsa walxaxaa yookan yeroowwan burjaaja’iinsa cehumsaa bira ittiin darbuuf ifaajaniif, qajeelfama madaalawaa fi deeggarsa qabatamaa kennuuf qabeenyota bicuu qofatu jiru.
- Year 2023

The gender-transformative potential of transitional justiceHow dealing with the past processes can work for and with women
During our second dialogue event, we discussed how transitional justice can contribute to the transformation of discriminatory gender structures.
- feature 9 Feb 2023

Agat Caddok Walal Miracsintih Kitab Abnissoh MerracsentaAmolladi amo Gacsa
Warrayteh tan tabna sanootah addat agat caddoh walalitte kookaxaw kalaloonuhuuy, siyaasa gadangadditte kee taqabitteey, tabaatabsitte lowsiisoonuh rakiibô silaac akkuk yemeetem tanbulle. Agat doolatitteey, anaakarta missoynaaniiy, sadar ayyuntih buttaati kee gaaduleh angagoyyay tonnaah, baad caddoh afkan (poliisi) abnisso, diplomaasi gitaa kee meqem abittoh exxaxi caddol baarle walal yakkem xiqqimtem takkay immay, taham fan ken fayxi mablâqidiinô lih missoowam maxiqinna. Agat caddoh walalitte gexsiisaanam, siyaasâ sittin wayaay, kuraabiytam xiqta booditte wonna hinnay, tabsi waktittek edde taboonuh xiqqimma intaamal gitah taniih, rakiibo lemerracsenta kee abnisso ginaanah, qoklaanam kaxxa doori le.
- Year 2023

Peace Days
Mit unseren Workshops geben wir Schüler*innen die Chance, sich aus verschiedenen Perspektiven mit den Themen Frieden, Streit, Krieg und Gewalt auseinanderzusetzen.
- Current Project

“Young people have a great potential to drive change”Interview with Yaroslav Minkin, founder of a Ukrainian youth organisation
Read how young people can play a decisive role in Ukraine and how best to support them.
- feature 14 Feb 2023

Multi-level dialogue in Lebanon
In Lebanon, we initiate dialogue formats and support local initiatives to address root causes of conflicts and to build a stable future for the country.

Discussion on a future vision, common values and political and economic reforms
Track 1 of our multi-level dialogue project brings together a group of Lebanese experts and opinion leaders to discuss a future vision for the country.

Cultural and dialogue activities to address past misconceptions and grievances
We engage local communities in initiatives that deal with past grievances, address prejudices and misunderstandings, and tackle ongoing barriers to stability.

Support of local initiatives on service delivery, transparency and social cohesion
In four Lebanese governorates, we fund projects that foster dialogue and social cohesion in local communities.