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„Friedensbildung ist keine Feuerwehr.“Empfehlungen für die Zukunft der Friedensbildung

Eine Studie der Berghof Foundation zeigt, Friedensbildung ist wichtiger denn je. Ihre Ansätze müssen strukturell im Bildungssystem verankert werden.

  • feature 4 Oct 2022
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"Peace education is not a trouble shooter".Recommendations for the future of peace education

A study by the Berghof Foundation shows that peace education is more important than ever. Its approaches must be structurally anchored in the education system.

  • feature 4 Oct 2022
Two soldiers on opposing sides holding hands.

Video: Observation and monitoring mechanisms in conflict de-escalationCreative approaches, best practices and lessons learned

Watch the video of the event that took a closer look at the ability of third parties to guarantee, observe and accompany processes of conflict de-escalation.

  • event 27 Oct 2022
Together with “The Reckoning Project”, Berghof organised a symposium on testimony collection and transitional justice in Ukraine.

“Peaceful coexistence after war needs justice”

Berlin newspaper reports about Berghof symposium on collecting testimonies of war crimes in Ukraine

  • feature 12 Oct 2022
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COP26, climate change and conflict.

In November, COP26 will convene for the most important summit yet to halt climate breakdown, and to prevent the threats climate change poses for sustainable peace.

  • feature 27 Oct 2021
Peaceful protests in Miami, Florida, USA in May 2020 after death of George Floyd

Matching aspirations, missing connectionsPAX and Berghof launch report that calls for EU support to nonviolent movements

The Berghof Foundation and PAX brought the voice of nonviolent movements to Brussels to call on the EU to support their work for peaceful and democratic change.

  • blog post 25 Oct 2022
  • Author(s) Francesc X. Teodoro Alandete, Véronique Dudouet
Habib Nassar of Impunity Watch

New video series on transitional justiceExplore different perspectives on dealing with the past and reconciliation

Visit the new website of our Global Learning Hub for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation to find a video series exploring contemporary issues in the field.

  • feature 1 Nov 2022
An Iraqi man walks on the dry banks of the Diyala River

Addressing climate-security risks in IraqTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict

Many regions in Iraq are facing acute water shortages. Inclusive dialogue settings and climate-focused mediation can help with responding to such climate risks.

  • feature 2 Nov 2022
A Somali woman carrying water in a refugee camp

Mitigating the climate crisis in SomaliaTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict

Climate change is already a terrifying reality in Somalia. A combination of mitigation strategies and peaceful adaptation can help reduce threats to communities.

  • feature 4 Nov 2022
Locals look at burning forest during a wildfire in Greece

How COP can deliver for areas affected by conflictTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict

As the final piece in our series, this article outlines the necessary conditions for COP27 to deliver for fragile and conflict-affected areas.

  • blog post 7 Nov 2022
  • Author(s) Tom Breese
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