Search Results

Policy brief on the prevention of violent extremism in North MacedoniaResearch results on how to foster community resilience from PAVE project
The PAVE research team collected data on the main drivers for radicalisation in North Macedonia. Read their recommendations towards government authorities and civil society in the country, as well as towards international policy makers.
- Year 2022

Recommandations sur la prévention de l'extrémisme violent en TunisieRésultats de la recherche sur la manière de favoriser la résilience des communautés dans le cadre du projet PAVE
En Tunisie, l'équipe de recherche PAVE a étudié les interactions entre les États et les institutions religieuses en matière de prévention de l'extrémisme violent, ainsi que les mécanismes de radicalisation en ligne et hors ligne. Lisez leurs recommandations politiques.
- Year 2022

Violent extremism cannot be countered by governments aloneResults from our PAVE research project
The international research project PAVE launches policy recommendations for governments, civil society leaders, and international policy makers on 7 countries.
- feature 22 Dec 2022

Unsere animierte Graphic Novel lädt junge Menschen ein, aktiv an NS-Erinnerungskultur teilzuhaben. Sie sensibilisiert für Diskriminierung, damals wie heute, und regt an diese kritisch zu reflektieren.
- Current Project

Leaving conflict firmly behind through the political transformation of armed groupsNotes for DDR and peacebuilding practitioners
This report compiles key lessons learnt on the political dimension of DDR (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration) gathered through a project jointly conducted by the United Nations Department of Peace Operations (DDR Section) and the Berghof Foundation.
- Year 2022
- Author(s) Johanna-Maria Hülzer, Véronique Dudouet, Sergiusz Sidorowicz, Thomas Kontogeorgos

Exploring religion as a force for conflict transformation
Read how peace practitioners can tap into the potential of religion to transform individuals and communities for the better.
- blog post 26 Jan 2023
- Author(s) Nura Detweiler

Our animated graphic novel invites young people to participate in remembrance of National Socialism. It raises awareness and encourages reflection on discrimination from the past and the present.
- Current Project