Video: Where next for peacebuilding in Yemen
Reflections from a decade of political dialogue support

Watch the video of our online panel discussion where experts reflected on our work in Yemen over the past ten years, and what’s next.
This year has witnessed significant shifts in the conflict in Yemen. A truce between Yemen’s internationally recognised government and Ansar Allah brokered by the United Nations in April is holding, resulting in the longest period of relative calm since the conflict began over seven years ago. President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, who had been in posit for over a decade, transferred power to the newly established Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), following the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) conference in Riyadh. Several visits by diplomats over recent months to Yemen also provided potential promise to the peace process, however, many questions remain.
2022 also marks a decade of partnership between the Political Development Forum Yemen (PDF-Yemen) and the Berghof Foundation, who have been working together since 2012 to support political dialogue among Yemeni actors from across the country. We held an expert discussion on analysing the lessons learnt from this ten-year-long engagement throughout the different stages of the Yemeni peace and dialogue processes and asked what the future holds for Yemen.
Where next for peacebuilding in Yemen: Reflections from a decade of political dialogue support
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
15:00 CEST (ics, ical)
Online event via Zoom
This event was held in Arabic and English with simultaneous translation.
Welcome remarks by Philip Holzapfel, Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy in Baghdad
- Maeen Al Obeidi, Local Coordinator, PDF-Yemen
- Ali Saif Hassan, Director, PDF-Yemen
- Oliver Wils, Head of MENA Department, Berghof Foundation
Moderated by: Nadia Al Kawkabani, Programme Manager, PDF-Yemen and Sonja Neuweiler, Senior Advisor, MENA Department, Berghof Foundation.
Our decade-long engagement in Yemen has involved facilitating hundreds of meetings, workshops and seminars at local, national and regional levels, with the participation of a wide range of Yemeni stakeholders – all with the aim of creating meaningful space for conflict transformation. The Berghof Foundation and PDF-Yemen are now implementing a joint political dialogue support programme based on a multi-track approach political at both national and regional levels, combined with projects aimed at strengthening inclusive local governance and community safety in governorates across Yemen.
This event reflected on what lessons can be learnt from this long-term engagement in Yemen, as well as sought to establish the most urgent needs and challenges whether the truce is extended or not. Key PDF-Yemen colleagues, who have been involved from the early stages of our cooperation, alongside Yemeni peacebuilders and international diplomats, reflected on the past ten years and analysed lessons learnt of advancing the peace process from the short-to-long term.
50 Years Berghof Foundation
The Berghof Foundation marked its 50th anniversary in 2021. The special event series we were holding throughout the year to reflect on past and current peacebuilding successes and challenges, is continuing in the year 2022. The events will identify and look at trends in order to develop tactics that will ensure our efforts towards sustainable peace together with our partners remain effective in the years to come. Find out more on our website and sign up for our newsletters or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date about our anniversary programme.
Please note that the event will be recorded using the cloud-based recording tool within the Zoom.us platform (using cloud servers based in the U.S.), to be published on the Berghof Foundation’s website and social media channels for external communications purposes. You can find the Berghof Foundation’s data protection notice here. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Berghof Foundation's Data Protection Officer (data.protection@berghof-foundation.org).
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